Practical Demonkeeping: A Comedy of Horrors Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Christopher Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Practical Demonkeeping: A Comedy of Horrors Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Christopher Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Robert go to Santa Barbara?
(a) To escape his parents.
(b) To attend photography school.
(c) To meet the Beach Boys.
(d) To marry Jenny.

2. What feature of the Breeze allows him to enter the bar without being asked for I.D.?
(a) A beard.
(b) A mustache.
(c) Wrinkles.
(d) A receding hairline.

3. Where does Travis go for breakfast?
(a) The car wash.
(b) The bait shop.
(c) The Head of the Slug.
(d) H.P.'s.

4. Who comes to Rachel in her bedroom at the end of Chapter 19?
(a) Catch.
(b) Travis.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Robert.

5. What happens to the Breeze at the end of Chapter 1?
(a) He is beaten up.
(b) He is kidnapped.
(c) He is arrested.
(d) He is killed.

6. What does Gian order at the bar?
(a) A margarita with extra salt.
(b) Tea.
(c) A cola.
(d) A draft.

7. Why does Travis pull out another chair at the table?
(a) He hopes Jenny will sit with him.
(b) He is waiting for someone.
(c) He places his suitcase on the chair.
(d) Catch is with him.

8. What happened to Rachel's first husband?
(a) Rachel killed him.
(b) She left him.
(c) He left her.
(d) He was disabled.

9. How long has the demon been with Travis?
(a) A thousand years.
(b) Three years.
(c) Eighty years.
(d) Seventy years.

10. What does Howard believe he sees in the woods outside his home?
(a) A bobcat.
(b) A demon.
(c) Gian.
(d) An Old One.

11. Why does the Breeze not have a vehicle?
(a) He cannot afford one.
(b) He was involved in a car accident.
(c) He loaned it to a friend.
(d) It is being held as collateral by drug dealers.

12. Who is playing pool at the back of the bar when Robert arrives?
(a) Mavis and Slick.
(b) Gian and Slick.
(c) Travis and Slick.
(d) Augustus and Slick.

13. What does Augustus dream of opening as a business?
(a) A bar.
(b) A bait store.
(c) A detective agency.
(d) A brothel.

14. What does Travis tell Jennifer he does for a living?
(a) Sells insurance.
(b) Works with accounting.
(c) Works with animals.
(d) Teaches.

15. What does Augustus Brine do for a living?
(a) He runs a bait and wine shop.
(b) He is a priest.
(c) He is retired.
(d) He runs the local bar and tavern.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Breeze believe the car is that pulls up behind him?

2. Who comes to the door, looking for Effrom's wife?

3. When Jehovah became jealous of the Djinn, where did he send them?

4. What does Catch begin to seek at the end of Chapter 13?

5. Why does George Peters believe there were supernatural forces at work in Pine Cove?

(see the answer keys)

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