The Power and the Glory Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the priest get something to eat?
(a) He finds some beans cooking on the stove.
(b) He kills a stray dog and cooks it.
(c) He stuffs himself with bananas.
(d) He fights off a dog to get a bone with some rotting meat on it.

2. How well does the priest sleep in the crowded cell?
(a) He leans against the wall and drifts in and out of sleep.
(b) He does not sleep for thinking about his death.
(c) He sleeps soundly from exhaustion.
(d) He cannot sleep at all because of the noise.

3. What does Mr. Fellows wonder when he hears that a priest was executed?
(a) If there will be a revolution.
(b) If he were the same man Coral tried to help.
(c) If they will get to leave the country.
(d) If they suspect he is also a priest.

4. How does the mestizo give himself away?
(a) He gets drunk on wine and starts talking about the police in the village.
(b) The priest ask if they will let him see the Yankee and he says of course they will.
(c) He tells the priest that he will only have ten minutes with the Yankee.
(d) He tells how the police brought the wounded Yankee to the Indian village.

5. What have Mr. and Mrs. Fellows agreed not to do?
(a) Mention their daughter's name.
(b) Tell anyone they are leaving.
(c) Press charges against the police.
(d) Think about the future.

Short Answer Questions

1. In spite of the Yankee's protests, what does the priest do?

2. What is the result of the lieutenant's visit with Father José?

3. What does the priest mean when he says he won't be returning the way he came?

4. What strange thing does the lieutenant do before he sends the priest out of the jail?

5. What are the weather conditions in the mountains?

Short Essay Questions

1. What transpires inside the hut where the Yankee is dying?

2. What is going on between Mr. and Mrs. Fellows in the hotel room?

3. Leaving the plantation, what are conditions like as the priest looks for shelter?

4. How does the mestizo give himself away to the priest?

5. Notwithstanding the civility that had transpired between the lieutenant and the priest, how does the lieutenant behave at the execution?

6. What transpires between the priest and the mestizo inside the jail?

7. How does the priest make money for his trip to the border?

8. What is the implication of the visitor to the boy's house in the middle of the night?

9. Why does the Indian woman follow the priest as he leaves the next day?

10. What feelings pass through the priest as he luxuriates in the Lehrs' kindness?

(see the answer keys)

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