The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When they stop at a small hut, why does the priest not sleep?
(a) He keeps on listening for the soldier and the police.
(b) There are too many mosquitos and he cannot sleep.
(c) The priest is very suspicious of the mestizo man and forces himself to stay awake.
(d) The mestizo snores loudly and keeps waking him up.

2. What do the police suspect about the priest?
(a) They think he is probably in Vera Cruz by now.
(b) They suspect he is in Mexico City.
(c) They believe he tried to escape to Vera Cruz but he did not catch the boat.
(d) They think he may have gone to the Yucatan.

3. What announcement is made as the priest and the beverage seller are having a glass of wine?
(a) The hotel owner says they cannot drink in his establishment.
(b) The hotel owner announces that his rates have just gone up.
(c) The hotel owner warns of an coming storm.
(d) The hotel owner enters and says that the Chief of Police is coming.

4. What does Captain Fellows eventually realize that Coral has done?
(a) She has hidden the priest on their property.
(b) She has been making whisky in the shed.
(c) She has hidden her boyfriend on their property.
(d) She has painted religious symbols on the walls of the barn.

5. What surprises the lieutenant?
(a) That the Governor even knows they are there.
(b) That the last priest was not shot weeks ago.
(c) That the Police Chief is so calm.
(d) That the Police Chief entered his office without knocking.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the priest seek assistance in the city?

2. In trying to get away from the people chasing him, on whose door does the priest knock?

3. Where do they put the old photo of the priest?

4. What name do the people give to priests who smell of alcohol?

5. For what is the American wanted?

Short Essay Questions

1. Coral Fellows presents a reaction to the lieutenant. Describe the conversation with her father.

2. All that is left of the church is a priest who renounced his religion and the stranger, a whiskey priest. How does the woman's husband sum up their reality?

3. As the lieutenant walks through the town, what indicates that he is the main antagonist in the novel?

4. What feeling does Greene evoke with the introduction of the mestizo?

5. Describe the condition of Father José at that time.

6. What happens when the priest accidentally bumps into a red shirt in the cantina?

7. What information does the Police chief have to impart to the lieutenant?

8. Who does the priest turn to for help and is refused?

9. How do Mr. Trench and the priest meet?

10. Describe the general situation as the novel opens.

(see the answer keys)

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