The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the lieutenant's ambition?
(a) He wants to send young boys to the seminary so that they can reform the church.
(b) He wants to establish his own religion with him as it head.
(c) He hopes to wipe out all memories of the Church so the children will have no knowledge of it.
(d) He wants to turn Mexico into a socialist state with him as the President.

2. What does Mr. Trench notice about the environment in the town?
(a) It looks like a tropical garden.
(b) The jungle is encroaching on the village.
(c) The land is dusty and hot with buzzards flying overhead.
(d) It is cold and there are no birds.

3. What prompts Mr. Trench to invite the stranger to his house?
(a) The stranger mentions he has some brandy.
(b) The stranger looks like a priest.
(c) The stranger has a long wait for his ship.
(d) The stranger says he has a British newspaper.

4. How does the mestizo attempt to get the priest to admit that he is a priest?
(a) He condemns the Church for all its inadequacies.
(b) He quotes scripture to see if the priest will respond.
(c) He says he is a good Christian and asks the priest to say a prayer.
(d) He tells the priest about another priest he helped to excape.

5. What does the lieutenant see on his walk through the town?
(a) He sees Mr. Trench walking as though he had been drinking.
(b) He sees all the old symbols of the Church he has helped destroy.
(c) He sees old women making the sign of the cross.
(d) He sees many new shops and a lot of business.

6. What does Captain Fellows learn about the policeman?
(a) That he has a warrant for the captain's arrest.
(b) That he is looking for land to buy.
(c) That he comes from Oaxaca.
(d) That he is a lieutenant.

7. Why does Coral tell her father she would not allow the lieutenant to search the place?
(a) She tells him she had forgotten to hide the last batch of whisky.
(b) She tells him that she did not trust the lieutenant.
(c) She tells him they had no right to do it.
(d) She tells him she wanted to make the lieutenant angry.

8. On his morning walk, what does Mr. Trench hear?
(a) A monkey chattering in the trees.
(b) Horses racing into town.
(c) The sound of an explosion.
(d) A man speaking English.

9. Who is the last priest on the run from the police?
(a) An unnamed man who is far from a perfect holy man.
(b) A man who calls himself Julian.
(c) A pious priest who is protected by the peons.
(d) A monsignor disguised as a farmer.

10. When the lieutenant meets up with some boys who are interested in his gun, what passes through his mind?
(a) For their sakes, he will start a massacre.
(b) The boys should be in school.
(c) These boys know that the gun is more powerful than the Bible.
(d) The boys will one day be policemen and soldiers.

11. What does the mestizo tell the priest?
(a) That he is going to Carmen, too, and suggests that they go together.
(b) That he needs a guide to help him get to Carmen.
(c) That he wants the priest to help him catch the American.
(d) That he wants to get to know him better.

12. What question from the mestizo alarms the priest?
(a) He asks if he is on the run from the police.
(b) He asks if he has any brandy.
(c) He asks if he is a priest.
(d) He asks what his business is in Carmen.

13. What announcement is made as the priest and the beverage seller are having a glass of wine?
(a) The hotel owner announces that his rates have just gone up.
(b) The hotel owner enters and says that the Chief of Police is coming.
(c) The hotel owner warns of an coming storm.
(d) The hotel owner says they cannot drink in his establishment.

14. What new information does the priest receive in the village?
(a) That the police will return the following morning to take another hostage.
(b) The police already took one hostage from Conceptión and murdered a man named Pedro Montez.
(c) That the police have given up looking for him.
(d) That the village will be completely blocked off within three days.

15. Why does the lieutenant like to think about the priest who is still living?
(a) He has disgraced the Church and the people have all turned against him.
(b) He serves as an example the lieutenant can use to tell the children.
(c) He is pleased most of all by this man, a living example to all of the weakness of faith.
(d) He is awaiting execution and the lieutenant will get to hang him.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the cantina, who is the man the priest bumps into?

2. When they stop at a small hut, why does the priest not sleep?

3. What name do the people give to priests who smell of alcohol?

4. What does the priest hear as he crosses the river on his mule?

5. When the mother rebukes her son for only being interested in the killing, how does the son reply?

(see the answer keys)

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