The Power and the Glory Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 1, Section 1 (through page 83).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Greene set up the scene to show the despair of Father José?
(a) His nagging wife leaves him.
(b) He awakes from a dream in which he had been saying the mass.
(c) Reading his Bible, he begins to weep.
(d) Walking in the cemetery, he comes upon a family burying a small child.

2. What does Father José fear if he says a prayer at the graveside?
(a) He will be mocked by the lieutenant for practicing a religion he renounced.
(b) The authroities will put him in jail for blasphemy.
(c) He will get in trouble, lose his pension or even be killed for practicing his religion, which he has renounced.
(d) His police protection will be taken away if he performs a religious act.

3. What fleeting impulse comes over Father José?
(a) He is tempted to turn the villagers in for seeking a priest.
(b) He is tempted to run away and commit suicide.
(c) He is tempted to say a quick prayer and starts to make the sign of the cross in the air.
(d) He is tempted to seek a divorce and return to the Church.

4. What surprises the lieutenant?
(a) That the Governor even knows they are there.
(b) That the Police Chief entered his office without knocking.
(c) That the Police Chief is so calm.
(d) That the last priest was not shot weeks ago.

5. How many priests has the lieutenant already executed?
(a) He has killed twenty priests and only this one remains.
(b) He has shot five but several escaped including the bishop, who is safely in Mexico City.
(c) He has never gotten close enough to a priest to kill one.
(d) He has shot one priest and wants to get another one soon.

Short Answer Questions

1. On his morning walk, what does Mr. Trench hear?

2. What appeal does the girl make to the priest as he is leaving the village?

3. When does Coral say she lost her faith in God?

4. Where is Captain Fellows' wife when he reaches his house?

5. What name do the people give to priests who smell of alcohol?

(see the answer key)

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