Postmortem Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Postmortem Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main ingredient in the pink soap tested in chapter ten?
(a) Borax.
(b) Talc.
(c) Iodine.
(d) Sulfur.

2. What does Scarpetta say about Lucy's IQ in chapter fourteen?
(a) It is exceptionally high.
(b) It is plain.
(c) It is very low.
(d) It is better than average.

3. Who is Henna Yarborough's roommate?
(a) Marino's ex-wife.
(b) The police chief's daughter.
(c) Henna's cousin.
(d) Abby Turnbull.

4. What does Scarpetta admit to Dr. Spiro Fortosis in chapter twelve?
(a) She is thinking of quiting.
(b) She had met Lori Peterson once before Peterson was murdered.
(c) She believes Bill Boltz to be the murderer.
(d) She wants to kill Marino.

5. What had Marino not told Scarpetta when she played the 911 tape for him?
(a) He recognized the voice.
(b) That there was no way to trace the voice.
(c) That he had already figured this out.
(d) He knew how to find out who the killer was.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Scarpetta imagine that the killer has done after reading the newspaper?

2. What do Scarpetta and Benton say that the women had in common in chapter fifteen after Scarpetta explains about her conversation with Cecile's family?

3. What is Scarpetta briefly worried that Wingo may be being tested for?

4. What does Scarpetta tell her mother when her mother asks her about how bad she sounds?

5. What does Marino ask Scarpetta that makes her angry in chapter twelve?

Short Essay Questions

1. In chapter eleven what does Abby recall about telling her sister to be careful?

2. What does Scarpetta and Lucy decide to do in the end of chapter sixteen?

3. What does Scarpetta tell Abby is the real reason that she has asked Abby to come to talk to her at the ME's office in chapter thirteen?

4. What does Lucy think about in regards to Lucy's IQ in chapter fourteen?

5. What does Abby Turnbull say happened to her that the police didn't help with?

6. What is Scarpetta told when her mother calls in chapter nine?

7. What does Abby say in chapter eleven is the reason that she hates Bill Boltz.

8. In chapter twelve what does Marino and Scarpetta talk about while they are out driving to where Henna was killed?

9. What does Scarpetta tell Abby about her sister's death in chapter thirteen?

10. What happens in chapter nine after Lucy goes to bed?

(see the answer keys)

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