Postmortem Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Postmortem Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What had Marino not told Scarpetta when she played the 911 tape for him?
(a) That he had already figured this out.
(b) He recognized the voice.
(c) That there was no way to trace the voice.
(d) He knew how to find out who the killer was.

2. Who does Abby say has been her source?
(a) Boltz.
(b) Marino.
(c) Squad member.
(d) Someone from the ME's office.

3. What does Spiro tell Scarpetta that the killer may not have realized when he killed Henna?
(a) That it wasn't Abby.
(b) That she was Abby's sister.
(c) That she was pregnant.
(d) That she was married.

4. Who comes in as Scarpetta is holding the killer at gun point?
(a) Marino.
(b) Lucy.
(c) Boltz.
(d) Tanner.

5. What does Scarpetta explain may be the reason that she has made mistakes on this case in chapter ten?
(a) She is taking a new drug.
(b) She is exhausted.
(c) She has been worried about Lucy.
(d) She has become too involved.

6. What does Marino suggest when the extra evidence is found unlabeled in the lab refrigerator at the ME's office?
(a) That Scarpetta is slipping.
(b) That they test it against Matt Peterson.
(c) That someone else put it there.
(d) That they throw them away and keep quiet.

7. Who does Lucy says let her shoot a gun?
(a) Andy.
(b) Ralph.
(c) Her grandmother.
(d) Her mother.

8. What is the main ingredient in the pink soap tested in chapter ten?
(a) Talc.
(b) Borax.
(c) Sulfur.
(d) Iodine.

9. What does Bill say the killer being quiet may mean?
(a) He has left the area.
(b) He may be dead.
(c) He is planning a new kill.
(d) He has been unable to find time for his hobby.

10. Who does Abby go after since she can't touch Bill and Abby says will most likely not have a job when Scarpetta returns from her vacation with Lucy?
(a) Tanner.
(b) Marino.
(c) Amburgey.
(d) Wingo.

11. What does Marino say was the last thing the killer said after Marino had shot him?
(a) God forgive me.
(b) Damn it all.
(c) Oh, shit.
(d) I'm not ready.

12. What does Scarpetta say when Lucy says her mother sleeps with her boyfriends in the house all the time?
(a) We don't speak of such things at the table.
(b) I don't care.
(c) Your mother is a huzzy.
(d) I'm not your mother.

13. What does Lucy say she would shoot the unloaded gun at?
(a) Cardboard cut outs.
(b) Anything she could see.
(c) Television.
(d) People.

14. What does Lucy say that the System/Manager is?
(a) A nifty application.
(b) Nothing she has ever used before.
(c) God.
(d) Beyond her comprehension.

15. Where is a large percentage of the world's borax mined at?
(a) Canada.
(b) Death Valley.
(c) Ozark Mountains.
(d) Mexico.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Marino take Scarpetta in chapter twelve?

2. What do Scarpetta and Benton say that the women had in common in chapter fifteen after Scarpetta explains about her conversation with Cecile's family?

3. In chapter fourteen what does Scarpetta say that Margret had made the data base administrator?

4. Why does Bertha say she likes to have the blinds open?

5. What is substance is found on the PERK test card when they are checking to see whose finger prints are on it?

(see the answer keys)

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