Postmortem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Postmortem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Scarpetta call from the morgue?
(a) Bertha to check on Lucy.
(b) Marino.
(c) Her assistant.
(d) The local police chief.

2. What does Scarpetta buy for Lucy while she is out getting lunch in chapter five?
(a) A doll.
(b) A history tutorial for the computer.
(c) A computer game.
(d) A new pair of shoes.

3. What does Mr. Peterson say he smelled when he walked into his house?
(a) Something like body odor.
(b) Like candy or fresh fruit.
(c) A smell like something bitter or metalic.
(d) A sweet putrid smell.

4. What does Marino say that Matt Peterson had done the day before?
(a) Left town.
(b) Failed his polygraph.
(c) Got arrested.
(d) Passed a polygraph.

5. What does Scarpetta note about Lori Peterson's organs at the time of death?
(a) She had a tumor.
(b) She had lung cancer.
(c) All her internal organs are very healthy.
(d) She had a small heart murmer.

6. What does the laser find of Peterson's body?
(a) Three partial prints.
(b) Fibers from the killer's clothing.
(c) Spit from the killer.
(d) Hair from the killer.

7. What does Scarpetta say she feels like she will be doing if she goes into Dr. Alvin Amburgey's office without a notepad or something of that nature?
(a) Unshielded.
(b) Undressed.
(c) Naive.
(d) Unprepared.

8. What does Neils Vander say about the laser machine and himself in chapter two?
(a) They are both sensitive and complicated.
(b) They are both running low on juice.
(c) They are both on the fritz.
(d) They are both slow to warm up.

9. In chapter six what does Betty say that the fibers on the knife from the crime scene are consistent with?
(a) Lori Peterson's bed sheets.
(b) Matt Peterson's jacket.
(c) Clothing from previous victims.
(d) Lori Peterson's nightgown.

10. Why does Marino say the bathroom window had been unlocked in Lori Peterson's house?
(a) Her husband unlocked it.
(b) She liked to leave it open.
(c) Their cat went in and out through the window.
(d) The lock was broke.

11. What does Scarpetta advise Marino to gather from Mr. Peterson for testing?
(a) Mr. Peterson's blood.
(b) The paint used in Mr. Peterson's dress rehersals.
(c) All substances from Mr. Peterson's house.
(d) Mr. Peterson's medicated creams.

12. At the beginning of chapter one what wakes Scarpetta up?
(a) A bad dream.
(b) Phone call.
(c) Knock on the door.
(d) Rain storm.

13. What is found on both the card print that contains Mr. Peterson's fingerprints and the hunting knife found at the scene?
(a) Sparkling residue that resembles what was found on the body.
(b) Latex powder.
(c) Semen.
(d) Blood from Lori Peterson.

14. What does Scarpetta say is the cruelest form of punishments?
(a) Electrocutions.
(b) Segregation.
(c) Sexual harassment.
(d) Isolation.

15. Whose facial reconstruction does Scarpetta have in her office?
(a) Marilyn Monroe.
(b) An unidentified boy.
(c) A woman that drown saving her child.
(d) President Lincoln.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Scarpetta say she tries to do with cops like Marino in chapter one?

2. What does Scarpetta say has never bothered her?

3. Who does Scarpetta say that her co-worker, Betty, reminded her of?

4. What does Scarpetta do when she is stressed or had a bad day?

5. How long does Scarpetta have to wait in the lobby before Amburgey calls her into his office?

(see the answer keys)

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