Post Office Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Post Office Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gets ripped out of the post office building that upsets Henry?
(a) Drinking fountains.
(b) The nurse's office.
(c) His trays.
(d) The cafeteria.

2. Who was shocked to learn about Henry and Joyce's divorce?
(a) Gramps.
(b) Betty.
(c) Harry.
(d) Purple Stickpin.

3. What does Butchner do?
(a) Has a postal route.
(b) Yells threats and obscenities.
(c) Works hard.
(d) Tends bar.

4. What does Henry tell Mr. Winters in Chapter 4 about his job?
(a) He resigns.
(b) He is fired.
(c) He needs a leave of absence.
(d) He has an arrest record.

5. What does the women in Chapter 3 need an explanation of in 10 days?
(a) His spotty work history.
(b) His terrible record.
(c) The lies on his application.
(d) He previous discipline with the post office.

6. When Henry first meets Mary Lou, what does he pretend?
(a) That she is his girlfriend.
(b) That he is her husband.
(c) That they are strangers.
(d) That she is his ex-wife.

7. After his binge in the last half of the novel, what does Henry do?
(a) Goes gambling.
(b) Dies.
(c) Goes back to the post office.
(d) Writes.

8. Who gives Henry a letter of warning?
(a) Joyce.
(b) Betty.
(c) The Post Office.
(d) The Police Department.

9. In Chapter 4, what kind of place does Henry look to eat at every night?
(a) A place where he can get free food.
(b) A crowded place.
(c) An expensive place.
(d) A cheap place.

10. What birthday is Henry just shy of when he resigns from the post office?
(a) 50.
(b) 60.
(c) 35.
(d) 46.

11. Why does Fay always wear black?
(a) Because her son died.
(b) It is slimming.
(c) To protest her horrible job.
(d) To protest the war.

12. How long is Henry's response to the woman in Chapter 3?
(a) One sentence.
(b) 42 pages.
(c) 10 pages.
(d) 2 pages.

13. Who is Marina?
(a) Henry's daughter.
(b) Joyce's daughter.
(c) Mary Lou's daughter.
(d) Betty's daughter.

14. What kind of drug does a doctor prescribe for Henry?
(a) Lithium.
(b) Librium.
(c) Aspirin.
(d) Vicodin.

15. When was Henry absent without leave?
(a) April 1969
(b) May 1959.
(c) May 1969.
(d) November 1969.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Betty want when she sees Henry in Chapter 3?

2. What is Fay's hobby?

3. In Chapter 3, who is the person that Joyce has not told about her fortune?

4. After Henry fills out papers in Chapter 4, what does he get?

5. What happens to Henry's apartment after the racetrack moves?

(see the answer keys)

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