Post Captain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Post Captain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Diana Villiers run off with, much to Doctor Maturin's dismay?
(a) Canning.
(b) MacDonald.
(c) Parker.
(d) Smithers.

2. Following his meeting with Lord Melville, Aubrey goes back to his hotel, sleeps and then goes for a walk. What type of facility does he wind up visiting?
(a) A millinery.
(b) A market.
(c) A cathedral.
(d) A school.

3. What trait do Mrs. Williams and Diana Villiers seem to look for in suitors?
(a) Compatibility.
(b) Honesty.
(c) Wealth.
(d) True love.

4. Whose perfume does Maturin smell on Aubrey upon the latter's return to the Polychrest?
(a) Sarah's.
(b) Eleanor's.
(c) Diana's.
(d) Sophia's.

5. What entity does Post Captain Aubrey want to be responsible for replenishing any gun powder and shot used aboard the H.M.S. Lively?
(a) Richard Canning.
(b) Supporters of the War.
(c) The British government.
(d) The French government.

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon her departure from Mapes Court, what relative with mental deficiencies does Diana Villiers stay with?

2. Who is Captain Aubrey constantly evading?

3. Who gives Aubrey the good news that he is being made Post Captain?

4. Who gives Aubrey's steward foodstuffs to take on board the Polychrest.

5. Who does Post Captain Aubrey invite to dinner following the capture of the two Spanish treasure ships?

Short Essay Questions

1. What makes it difficult for the Polychrest to enter the French port where the target ship is located?

2. How do Aubrey's visits with Diana affect his friendship with Maturin?

3. How does the Aubrey display his happiness in being promoted to Post Captain?

4. What is Doctor Maturin's motive in encouraging Sophia to be more forward with Captain Aubrey?

5. How is Captain Aubrey lauded for his actions and capture of the Fanciulla upon his return to England?

6. What are some of the ways that Post Captain Aubrey shows his belief that he and members of his squadron will be able to keep any treasure that they reap from the Spanish treasure ships?

7. How do Aubrey and Maturin differ on their opinions about the usefulness and feasibility of having bees on board the H.M.S. Lively?

8. What is the underlying reason why Aubrey turns his attention away from Sophia and begins pursuing Diana?

9. How does Maturin cope with his break with Aubrey?

10. What is the reason that Diana leaves Mapes Court?

(see the answer keys)

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