Post Captain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Post Captain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Captain Aubrey want the Indiaman Lord Nelson captured by the British?
(a) To escape from the probability that Bonaparte's soldiers may find them and arrest them.
(b) So that he can return to England aboard it.
(c) So that he can be promoted to higher posts.
(d) So that he can practice navigating between England and France.

2. What century serves as the setting for Post Captain?
(a) 1920.
(b) 21st century.
(c) 20th century.
(d) 19th century.

3. Who does Mrs. Williams declare to be a perfect match for Captain Aubrey?
(a) Her niece, Victoria
(b) Her daughter, Sophia.
(c) Herself.
(d) Her daughter, Frances.

4. Who is Aubrey beginning a casual dalliance with at the same time that he is courting Sophia?
(a) Cecelia Williams.
(b) Mrs. Williams.
(c) Diana Villiers.
(d) Frances Williams.

5. What does Captain Aubrey consider buying, but is not quite sure of its tone?
(a) Trombone.
(b) Tuba.
(c) Cello.
(d) Violin.

6. What is the name of the vessel carrying Captain Jack Aubrey and Doctor Stephen Maturin at the beginning of Post Captain?
(a) The Charwell.
(b) H.M.S. Royale.
(c) H.M.S. Hempstead.
(d) The Pennington.

7. What position is Pullings promoted to aboard the Polychrest pursuant to Aubrey's advice?
(a) Lieutenant.
(b) First lieutenant.
(c) First assistant captain.
(d) Second lieutenant.

8. What is the nickname of Captain Aubrey's sea command?
(a) Britain's Delight.
(b) Sea Escape.
(c) Fair Winds.
(d) Carpenter's Mistake.

9. Who sends a letter to Aubrey upon leaving England expressing her continued affection and good intentions despite her mother's interference?
(a) Sophia Williams.
(b) Diana Villiers.
(c) Cecelia Williams.
(d) Frances Williams.

10. Which character appears in threadbare dress and covered with crumbs at a dinner party hosted by Mrs. Williams at Mapes Court?
(a) Cecelia Williams.
(b) Diana Villiers.
(c) Doctor Stephen Maturin.
(d) Frances Williams.

11. Who announces a forthcoming formal ball in Chapter 2?
(a) Cecelia Williams.
(b) Captain Jack Aubrey.
(c) Mrs. Williams.
(d) Dr. Stephen Maturin.

12. What is the dreadful news about that Captain Aubrey receives via letter at Polcary Down?
(a) His grandmother.
(b) His finances.
(c) His employment.
(d) His father.

13. What was the name of French Captain Christy-Palliere's ship that captured Captain Aubrey's first sea command?
(a) Desaix.
(b) Sorbonne.
(c) Placer du Mar.
(d) Ritzonne.

14. As Chapter 1 opens, Captain Jack Aubrey holds what naval position?
(a) First lieutenant.
(b) Sailor.
(c) Post captain.
(d) Master and commander.

15. What other ship's traits are also featured on the Polychrest?
(a) S.S. Barrett.
(b) S.S. Triumph.
(c) H.M.S. Walden.
(d) H.M.S. Dart.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the heavy but slow brig that chases the Lord Nelson?

2. In Chapter 1, what country does Diana Villiers leave in order to return to England?

3. What is the primary development in Chapter 4?

4. What relation is Sophia to Frances?

5. What official at the Admiralty does Captain Aubrey meet with to discuss obtaining a sea command?

(see the answer keys)

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