Possession: A Romance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

A.S. Byatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Possession: A Romance Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

A.S. Byatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Val come home with?
(a) A man in a red Porsche.
(b) A wealthy-looking woman.
(c) A woman friend from work.
(d) A man dressed in artsy clothes with a beard.

2. What does the librarian warn Roland to do?
(a) Not touch, move, or read the papers until they are cataloged.
(b) Leave all the pieces of paper in the same order.
(c) Not expose the old papers to air.
(d) Only touch the papers with gloves or tweezers.

3. Whose writing is Fergus studying?
(a) Baudelaire.
(b) Milton.
(c) Balzac.
(d) Flaubert.

4. What does Cropper think about writing while he drives away from Daisy Wapshott's house?
(a) A book about Ash's poetry.
(b) A book of his own poetry.
(c) A popular novel about Ash's life.
(d) His autobiography.

5. What herb does the apparition offer the child?
(a) The Herb of Rest.
(b) The Herb of Miracles.
(c) The Herb of Beauty.
(d) The Herb of Passion.

Short Answer Questions

1. What attraction of Roland's apartment is forbidden to him?

2. What does Beatrice Nest have that Cropper wants?

3. Whose diary does Roland read at the Women's Resource Center?

4. What kind of car does Cropper drive?

5. What is Roland's reaction to Val telling him that a man wants to take her away to Newmarket?

(see the answer key)

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