Pope Joan Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Cross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pope Joan Test | Final Test - Hard

Donna Cross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who takes advantage of the Pope's illness by exerting his power beyond the limits of his position as missus?

2. What nationality is the new Bishop the Pope has appointed that causes outrage from Magister Militum Daniel?

3. What occasion does Joan insist on waiting for before running away with Gerold?

4. Who is elected Pope after Leo's death?

5. Who takes over some of the Pope's charitable projects, leading to the nickname Little Pope?

Short Essay Questions

1. What warning does Joan give Pope Sergius in the face of the Saracen attack that he does not heed?

2. What truth does Joan learn when she sees Gerold again? How does Joan react to Gerold's request to run away?

3. Who begins to plot against Pope Joan because of her ideas?

4. Why does Pope Leo excommunicate Anastasius?

5. How does Joan prove Gerold innocent during his trial for treason?

6. Who starts the fire that burns the new wall Pope Leo is building and destroys several other buildings, including the school? Why?

7. Why does Benedict abandon his brother and leave Rome?

8. Why does Joan finally agree to run away with Gerold?

9. Why is Cardinal Leo elected Pope over Anastasius?

10. How does Pope Leo die? Who is elected to take his place?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the historical implications of this novel. What evidence does the author give that her novel is based on fact? What does history say about the possibility of a female Pope? Does the author make a good argument for the historical fact of her story? Explain. Why does history say it is unlikely a woman was ever Pope? Would it have been possible for a woman to live as a man? Are there other examples of women who pretended to be men in history? Name a few. Compare and contrast Pope Joan with another famous woman who lived as a man.

Essay Topic 2

Discuss these characters' relationships to one another and the impact of these relationships on other characters and the development of the plot. Use theme, symbolism, and metaphor in your discussion. Cite examples from the novel.

1. Joan and John

2. The Canon of Ingleheim and Gudrun

3. Matthew and Joan.

Essay Topic 3

Discuss Joan's rise in the Catholic Church. How does Joan come to be a monk? When is Joan promoted to priest? What is the reaction of other monks? How does this reaction foreshadow other times in which Joan's rise will negatively or positively affect those around her? How does Joan come to be doctor to the Pope? Why is the Pope's brother threatened by her presence? What action does the brother take against Joan? How does Joan's position in the Pope's home eventually lead to her becoming Pope?

(see the answer keys)

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