Pope Joan Test | Final Test - Easy

Donna Cross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pope Joan Test | Final Test - Easy

Donna Cross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What project does Joan suggest in order to protect the basilica from future attacks?
(a) Building a mote.
(b) Building a watch tower.
(c) Building a wall.
(d) Building a stronger army.

2. What practice that Joan was previously punished for incorporating into church services is widely incorporated now?
(a) Intinction.
(b) Communion.
(c) Confirmation.
(d) Baptism.

3. Whose army arrives to save the people of Rome from the Saracens?
(a) Gerold.
(b) Prince Siconulf.
(c) Charles.
(d) Lothar.

4. Who takes advantage of the Pope's illness by exerting his power beyond the limits of his position as missus?
(a) Anastasius.
(b) Lothar.
(c) Benedict.
(d) Gerold.

5. What penance does Joan offer the Pope after he confesses his sins?
(a) To avoid wine and tobacco.
(b) To avoid sex.
(c) To avoid sweets.
(d) To avoid wine and four-footed meat.

6. What misunderstanding do Gerold and Joan work out when they meet up again?
(a) Gerold's affairs with other women.
(b) Gerold's association with Lothar.
(c) Gerold's involvement in Joan's arranged marriage.
(d) Gerold's devotion to Richild.

7. Who captures Benedict on the road to Rome?
(a) Gerold.
(b) Joan.
(c) Lothar's army.
(d) The Pope's army.

8. Who is fighting to gain the dead Emperor's title?
(a) His three brothers.
(b) His three nephews.
(c) His three cousins.
(d) His three sons.

9. What magical event takes place when Lothar reaches Rome?
(a) The basilica doors close on their own.
(b) The city gates close on their own.
(c) The basilica doors open.
(d) The city gates open on their own.

10. What crime is Benedict accused of committing?
(a) Heresy.
(b) Adultery.
(c) Theft.
(d) Murder.

11. What does the missus accuse Joan of?
(a) Being a woman.
(b) Being a fake.
(c) Harming the Pope.
(d) Being unchaste.

12. Why does Joan refuse to run away with Gerold in Chapter 27?
(a) She does not want to be forced to rely on a man.
(b) She does not love him.
(c) She does not want to give up her career.
(d) She has too many responsibilities.

13. How does Joan attempt to treat her condition?
(a) With molds to treat the infection.
(b) With herbs to shrink the tumor.
(c) With herbs to promote a miscarriage.
(d) With opiates to treat the pain.

14. Who restores Anastasius' Cardinal rank to him after his excommunication by Pope Leo?
(a) Joan.
(b) Archbishop Raban.
(c) The new Pope.
(d) Lothar.

15. What happens to another fleet of Saracen ships come to invade Rome?
(a) They are massacred by Lothar's army.
(b) They are turned back by a fleet of armed ships.
(c) They are destroyed by Viking warriors.
(d) They break apart in a storm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What event is Anastasius waiting to take place in order to help him advance in the church?

2. Who denounced Lothar only to be proven a liar in order to be appointed Pope upon Pope Sergius' death?

3. To whom does Joan overhear Anastasius pledge loyalty?

4. What do the Saracens take from the basilica?

5. Why is Joan released from the dungeon?

(see the answer keys)

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