The Poisonwood Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poisonwood Bible Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes Mother get up?
(a) Adah disappears
(b) Nathan tells her to
(c) Ruth May needs a push on the swing
(d) Rachel burns an omelet

2. How much money does the United States provide for loyalty?
(a) One billion dollars
(b) One million dollars
(c) One hundred thousand dollars
(d) One thousand dollars

3. Who has not changed in the Congo?
(a) Adah
(b) Nathan
(c) Orleanna
(d) Rachel

4. Which baby does Orleanna think overtakes the mother?
(a) The last
(b) The neediest
(c) The first
(d) The twins

5. How long after the Congo's independence does Congress look into the United States' secret operations?
(a) 15 years
(b) 10 years
(c) 5 years
(d) 1 year

6. Who is the last of Leah and Anatole's children?
(a) Patrice
(b) Nataniel
(c) Pascal
(d) Martin-Lothaire

7. What animal did the people around Lusambo think Nathan could turn into before they killed him?
(a) Crocodile
(b) Lion
(c) Water buffalo
(d) Green mamba

8. Why do the mother and daughters want to go back to Kilanga?
(a) To kill the man who killed the youngest daughter
(b) To put a grave marker up for the youngest daughter
(c) To find their father
(d) To look for the things that they left behind

9. What is Leah learning?
(a) Bow hunting
(b) Basket weaving
(c) Mathematics
(d) Cooking

10. What does Adah miss by the end of Book 5?
(a) Mama Tataba
(b) The old Adah
(c) Nathan Price
(d) The Congo

11. After Leah disobeys Father, with what do the girls and Orleanna sleep?
(a) Their clothes
(b) Stuffed animals
(c) Knives and kitchen utensils
(d) Food from the kitchen

12. What happens to Anatole in the year after Ruth May's death?
(a) He is imprisoned
(b) He becomes sick with malaria
(c) He marries Adah
(d) He dies

13. What does Leah begin to wonder?
(a) If Pascal likes her
(b) If Adah can care for the chickens
(c) If her father is wrong to keep them in the Congo
(d) If Eeban Axelroot is selling diamonds

14. What does Rachel choose to save from the house?
(a) The mirror
(b) Earrings
(c) Adah
(d) Her blanket

15. Who does Rachel think is the cause of all the problems?
(a) Anatole
(b) Nathan
(c) Leah
(d) Adah

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Ruth May stay in bed?

2. The Prices make it look like Rachel is engaged to whom?

3. What does Axelroot tell Rachel?

4. What does Adah study in her work?

5. What did Ruth May see in Eeban Axelroot's plane?

(see the answer keys)

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