The Poisonwood Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poisonwood Bible Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Orleanna was a child of what era?
(a) The Depression
(b) The Victorian Age
(c) The Vietnam War
(d) The Middle Ages

2. When is Rachel's birthday?
(a) January
(b) November
(c) May
(d) August

3. What is the parrot's name that was left by Brother Fowles?
(a) Methuselah
(b) Isaiah
(c) Polly
(d) Shadrach

4. When the family arrives, the country is on the brink of what?
(a) A bomb going off
(b) A drought
(c) A thunderstorm
(d) A civil war

5. Orleanna's husband did what as an occupation?
(a) Developer
(b) Diamond smuggler
(c) Baptist minister
(d) Small business owner

6. What happens after the Independence in the Price household?
(a) Their mirror is stolen
(b) One of the family dies
(c) Nathan decides to leave the Congo
(d) Mother and Ruth May get sick

7. Why do the people not want their children to go down to the riverbank?
(a) They believe a spirit lives there
(b) The current is too strong to swim in
(c) A crocodile killed a girl the year before
(d) The water carries diseases

8. Mama Tataba says that Nathan should do what in the garden?
(a) Pray for the plants
(b) Plow it
(c) Make hills for the plants
(d) Give the garden up

9. What happens to Nathan in the war?
(a) He saves a Congressman's son
(b) He become a chaplain
(c) He is injured and his company dies
(d) He goes to Canada to avoid the draft

10. When did everything change in the Congo, according to Orleanna?
(a) The day that they lost the parrot and Mama Tataba
(b) The day that the river flooded
(c) The day that Adah began to speak
(d) The day that the church burned

11. Leah helps her father where?
(a) In the house
(b) In the kitchen
(c) In the garden
(d) In the church building

12. Where does Leah think that the quote Adah gives her is from?
(a) Psalms
(b) Treasure Island
(c) The gospel of Luke
(d) A book of nursery rhymes

13. Why do people keep staring at Rachel?
(a) She talks with a lisp
(b) Her white shoes
(c) Her blonde hair and blue eyes
(d) She walks funny

14. Rachel notices that all the women wear what item of clothing?
(a) Sarong
(b) Button down shirts
(c) Pants
(d) High heels

15. Which Price daughter is the youngest?
(a) Leah
(b) Adah
(c) Ruth May
(d) Rachel

Short Answer Questions

1. Orleanna's journey in Africa come to what kind of end?

2. What does the family eat a lot of?

3. Who is put in charge of the chickens?

4. What takes up half the day in the Congo?

5. Leah and Adah have what color hair?

(see the answer keys)

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