Poetics Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Poetics Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Aristotle differentiate poetry from prose?
(a) Poetry uses language alone.
(b) Poetry uses rhythm in the form of meter.
(c) Prose uses pictures and music.
(d) They are the same.

2. In order for a plot to be truly effective in achieving the desired emotional response from its readers or audience, Aristotle says that the poet must do what?
(a) Infuse irony throughout the story.
(b) Pick characters that the audience can easily pity.
(c) Write a tragedy with a sad ending.
(d) Pick characters whose relationships to one another make the actions of the plot more interesting.

3. According to Aristotle, how does tragedy achieve the emotion it inspires?
(a) Using the element of surprise.
(b) Irony.
(c) Contradiction.
(d) Deceit.

4. When one character realizes that another character has fewer morals than he once thought, what does Aristotle say is happening?
(a) Recognition.
(b) Opportunity.
(c) Growth.
(d) Bad judgment.

5. The object poetry portrays is what, according to Aristotle?
(a) Men in action.
(b) Tragic events.
(c) Other poets.
(d) Various places around the world.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aristotle states that poetry depicts what?

2. What men does Aristotle consider to be "lower" types?

3. What are the ways Aristotle explains in regard to how poets differ in their representation of the object?

4. In art, Aristotle defines the medium as what?

5. Aristotle says that at most, episodic plots involve what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Is the unity of plot the same as the unity of a character's actions? Explain.

2. What does Aristotle say the goal of tragedy is and how does he say good poetry accomplish this goal?

3. How does Aristotle define comedy as a type of poetry?

4. How does Aristotle classify or divide actions? Explain.

5. Why does Aristotle consider poetic work to be a philosophical undertaking, and, therefore, a higher pursuit than history, which is concerned simply with facts?

6. Aristotle explains that the object which poetry portrays is men in action. How may poets differ in how they represent these men?

7. What are two reasons Aristotle says that men are drawn to write poetry?

8. What does Aristotle say about the the beginning and end of a tragic plot?

9. According to Aristotle, how does the method of imitation differ?

10. According to Aristotle, what is an example of a poor type of story and why?

(see the answer keys)

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