Poetics Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Poetics Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section III.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Aristotle explains that metaphors frequently rely upon what?
(a) Rhyme.
(b) Analogy.
(c) Deception.
(d) Exaggeration.

2. What reason does Aristotle give for Homer excluding many things that Odysseus does on his voyage home in the "Odyssey"?
(a) Nothing is excluded.
(b) Aristotle explains that Homer prefers to keep the reader guessing.
(c) Aristotle says that Odysseus does some embarrassing things that are better left unsaid.
(d) Aristotle says that Homer excludes things because they do not relate well to the overall plot that is being constructed.

3. Why does Aristotle say that Homer's "Iliad" is not a tragedy?
(a) The reader feels no pity.
(b) It is a happy story.
(c) It has too many episodes and sub-stories to fit the format.
(d) It lacks irony.

4. In art, Aristotle defines the medium as what?
(a) The average.
(b) A middle state or condition.
(c) The manner in which the art is produced.
(d) The artist's spiritual inspiration.

5. How does Aristotle differentiate epic poetry from tragic poetry?
(a) Epic poetry always has a happy ending.
(b) Epic poetry uses excessive visual effects unlike tragic poetry.
(c) Epic poetry is much greater in length.
(d) Epic poetry is not confined by the limits of a stage and actors in the same way.

Short Answer Questions

1. Aristotle says that at most, episodic plots involve what?

2. According to Aristotle, what type of poets attempt to create tragedies that result in everyone ultimately being happy?

3. What two things does Aristotle require to be present in a well-written story?

4. What form of art does Aristotle consider to be more refined and superior?

5. Aristotle says what type of poetry imitates the "lower" types of men?

(see the answer key)

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