Pnin Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pnin Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Pnin try to do on his own in Chapter 1 rather than take other people's suggestions?
(a) Find the perfect suit.
(b) Find a better route.
(c) Drive himself to the college.
(d) Write the perfect speech.

2. What procedure does Pnin have in Chapter 2?
(a) He has a hearing aid inserted in his ear.
(b) He has all his teeth pulled and replaced with dentures.
(c) He has surgery on his heart.
(d) He has hair plugs put in.

3. Whom does Mrs. Clements tell she is looking to rent out her room?
(a) Mrs. Thayer.
(b) Mrs. Taylor.
(c) Mrs. Lawrence.
(d) Mrs. Thompson.

4. Whom does Pnin want to rent a room from in Chapter 2?
(a) Laurence and Joan Clements.
(b) Laurence and Janis Clements .
(c) Laurence and Jane Clements.
(d) Laurence and Judith Clements.

5. While on his way to the town in Chapter 1, what is Pnin horrified about the possibility of losing?
(a) His suitcase.
(b) His book bag.
(c) His brief case.
(d) His satchel.

Short Answer Questions

1. How would Pnin be described when he is drunk?

2. What was Liza's profession when she met Pnin?

3. What is Pnin dependent on using when he reaches the town in Chapter 1?

4. What does Pnin like to put in the Clementses' washing machine?

5. What abstract field does Pnin have no interest of getting into teaching?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Pnin discover from the librarian that is surprising to him in Chapter 3?

2. Why has the daughter of Laurence and Joan Clements left home, and what do they now have available?

3. Describe Pnin's fellow professor, Oleg Komarov.

4. What do Joan and Pnin learn they have in common from their discussion in Chapter 2?

5. What is an example of one of Pnin's less pleasant quirks? Describe in detail.

6. What subject does Pnin have no desire to teach?

7. Where is Pnin headed at the beginning of Chapter 1?

8. What happens to Pnin at the bus station that has been happening since he was a child?

9. Why has Pnin always been a constant mover?

10. What procedure does Pnin have done in Chapter 2 that leaves him very pleased?

(see the answer keys)

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