Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the reason Plutarch gives for Aratus deciding to make alliance with Philip of Macedon?

2. What tyrannical Syracusan King does Plutarch report Dion served as he became wealthy?

3. What did Plutarch claim came of Caius after his death?

4. Which of the four being compared does Plutarch accuse of committing the crime of deposing a fellow elected official?

5. According to Plutarch, what was the purpose of the Greek alliances that Aratus helped to form?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Plutarch describe the defeat of Brutus after the death of Caesar?

2. 1.What does Plutarch recognize as the major difference between the governing styles between the Gracchi and the Spartans?

3. What is a primary difference that can be inferred between the ancient Spartan civilization and the ancient Roman Empire from Plutarch's comparison between the Gracchi and the Spartans?

4. How does Plutarch claim Artaxerxes averted war with the Spartans?

5. How did Plutarch compare the military achievements of Brutus and Dion?

6. How did Plutarch report that Demetrius fell in and out of favor with Athenians?

7. Why does Plutarch claim that Dion was banished from the court of young Dionysius?

8. According to Plutarch, how did Tiberius' death affect Caius' entry into Roman politics?

9. What did Plutarch identify as the marks of Cicero's oratory style?

10. What difference does Plutarch recognize in the raising of the Gracchi Brothers (Tiberius and Caius) and The Spartans (Agis and Cleomenes)?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Aratus gained tremendous political acclaim by driving the tyrant Nicocles from his palace. Detail the steps that Aratus took to return to Sicyon and get in the position to remove Nicocles from power. How did he build upon that reputation to unite the cities of Greece into a defensive league.

Essay Topic 2

Phocion was a stern and respected general, but preferred peace to war even if his stand caused harsh political consequences. Detail two cases in which Phocion opposed popular causes to go to war in the Athenian Assembly. Identify the enemy and their leader, the reasons the Athenian Assembly wanted to make war, reasons Phocion warned against the war and his alternative recommendation, what the Assembly decided and the outcome for Athens.

Essay Topic 3

Tiberius Gracchus was responded to the needs of homeless soldiers who's property was taken by legal schemes made by land owners while the soldiers were fighting wars. Investigate the reasons the soldiers were fighting the wars that took them from their homes, how wealthy land owners were in a position to manipulate laws, and how Tiberius was able to get land reform laws passed in spite of opposition in the senate. Summarize your essay with a position statement of what the government could have done at any point of the process to deal with the problem in a just manner.

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