Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Plutarch claim Demosthenes did with his suicide?
(a) Caused great sorrow to the Greeks who marveled in his wisdom.
(b) Satisfied his political opponents in the Athenian Assembly.
(c) Cheated Antipater of the opportunity to publicly humiliate him.
(d) Laughed to scorn the cruelty of Antipater.

2. Why does Plutarch suggest Nicocles was wary of Aratus?
(a) His character was highly regarded by exiles from Nicocles tyranny.
(b) Because he was known to be a scheming politician.
(c) Because he had a score to settle with the tyrants of Sicyon.
(d) Because he had a reputation of being vengeful and rebellious.

3. How was Cyrus' effort to overthrow Artaxerxes ended, according to Plutarch?
(a) Cyrus was killed in a conspiracy led by Artaxerxes' son Darius.
(b) Their mother demanded they stop.
(c) He saw his challenge was harmful to Persia and committed suicide.
(d) He died in battle, supposedly by a spear thrown by Artaxerxes.

4. Plutarch's tone in the profile of Aratus changes from his other reports. Why is this?
(a) Plutarch declares Aratus to be his most favored figure.
(b) Plutarch is a decendant of Aratus.
(c) Plutarch was commissioned by Aratus' decendants to write the history.
(d) It was written directly to a descendant of Aratus named Polycrates.

5. What did Plutarch report Darius did to prevent his ascension to Artaxerxes' throne?
(a) He was discovered in a conspiracy to kill Artaxerxes and was executed.
(b) He made himself a eunuch.
(c) He fled for Rome.
(d) He married a Spartan woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Plutarch explain the difference between Tiberius and Caius when they delivered speeches?

2. What honor does Plutarch report this earned for Demetrius and Antigonus from the Athenians?

3. Who did Plutarch identify as the Senator that Brutus opposed, but joined in a civil war against Caesar?

4. How did Plutarch claim Artaxerxes avoided a war with the Spartans?

5. How did Plutarch explain the tyrrant, Nicocles, rose to power?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Plutarch report to be the condition of Rome as Tiberius began his political career in Rome?

2. Why does Plutarch suggest Caesar showed favor to Brutus despite Brutus siding with Pompey during the civil war with Caesar?

3. How did Artaxerxes become King of Persia, according to Plutarch?

4. How did Antony inspire a revolt against the assassins of Caesar, according to Plutarch?

5. How does Plutarch claim Artaxerxes averted war with the Spartans?

6. How does Plutarch claim that Demosthenes become the best orator of his time?

7. How did Ochus put himself in line to inherit Artaxerxes throne according to Plutarch?

8. What important position does Plutarch report Atarus took with Achaea, a league of Greek cities?

9. What did Plutarch identify as the marks of Cicero's oratory style?

10. What difference does Plutarch recognize in the raising of the Gracchi Brothers (Tiberius and Caius) and The Spartans (Agis and Cleomenes)?

(see the answer keys)

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