Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the famous Roman General that Plutarch claims Sertorius outwitted during his exile in Spain?
(a) Cicero.
(b) Caesar.
(c) Phocion.
(d) Pompey.

2. How does Plutarch claim the birth order of Agis and Agesilaus affected their lives?
(a) Agis, the older, was educated to be king, and Agesilaus was given a common education.
(b) Agis, the older, was the favorite of the father, but Agesilaus was the favorite of their mother.
(c) Agis, the older, was trained in military matters, but Agesilaus was trained in agricultural arts.
(d) Agis, the older, was given the inheritance of the king, but Agesilaus was given the authority over a province.

3. Why did Plutarch consider Agesilaus a better general than Pompey?
(a) Agesilaus had soldiers who fought for his glory, but Pompey's soldiers fought for wealth.
(b) Because Agesilaus built a record of forcing his enemies into battle when they were at their weakest, but Pompey allowed his army to be beaten by Caesar's forces while they were weakened by hunger.
(c) Agesilaus knew how to win battles on land or at sea, but Pompey only knew how to fight on the land.
(d) Agesilaus proved his virtue by confronting his enemies at their most powerful, but Pompey tried to challenge less worthy opponents.

4. How did Plutarch characterize Phocion's speech?
(a) "...That even from his infancy, in his speech, his countenance, and all his childish pastimes, he discovered and inflexible temper,..."
(b) "Few had ever said as much with a paucity of verbage."
(c) "Never had anyone said so much to so many with so few words."
(d) "...full of instruction, abounding in happy maxims and wise thoughts, but admitted no embellishment to its austere and commanding brevity."

5. Why does Plutarch use the name, "Cato the Younger"?
(a) Because he was the youngest leader in Rome.
(b) Because he was one of two Catos serving in the Roman Senate.
(c) Because he had a half brother also named Cato.
(d) Because he also wrote of the grandfather, who's name was also Cato.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Plutarch report ruled Rome in a Triumvirate while Cato served in the Senate?

2. According to Plutarch, how did Cleomenes become King of the Spartans?

3. Who joined Agis to turn back the laws that placed inherited land under control of a few wealthy families, according to Plutarch?

4. Who were they, and what were the nationalities of Alexander's parents, according to Plutarch?

5. Plutarch compares Sertorius to Philip, Antigonus, and Hannibal for his aggression, strategy, and what one other commonality?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of commander did Plutarch consider Sertorius to be, and where did he fight and defeat Pompey?

2. How does Plutarch report that Caesar was assassinated?

3. How does Plutarch claim Athenians responded when they falsely accused Phocion of treason and killed him after a mock trial?

4. How does Plutarch explain Agis' objectives affected the politics of Sparta?

5. What does Plutarch note about the difference between Phocion's public disagreements in the Athenian assembly and how he spoke in general conversation?

6. What did Plutarch determine to be the difference in how Agesilaus and Pompey came to power?

7. How did Plutarch explain Lysander's misinterpretation of the prophesy regarding the successor to Agis?

8. How long does Plutarch claim that Cato the Younger possessed an inflexible temperament?

9. Why did Plutarch consider Agesilaus a better general than Pompey?

10. Where does Plutarch report Caesar traveled to for conquests after he was elected as part of the Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus?

(see the answer keys)

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