Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Easy

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Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Plutarch claim to be the three Macedonian Kings under whom Demosthenes lived?
(a) Amyntas IV, Philip, Alexander.
(b) Antipater, Philip III, Cassander.
(c) Philip, Alexander, and Antipater.
(d) Alexander, Antipater, Philip III.

2. Who does Plutarch report was to be successor to Artaxerxes throne?
(a) His second son, Arsames.
(b) His scheming son, Ochus.
(c) His favorite son, Ariaspes.
(d) His oldest son Darius.

3. How does Plutarch explain public anger both Dion and Brutus received for their stands against Dionysius II and Caesar respectively?
(a) The public was angry at Dion for having allowed Dionysius II to escape, but the public was angry with Brutus for killing a popular leader.
(b) The public was angry at Dion for leaving Syracuse after he overthrew Dionysius II, but it was angry at Brutus for not staying in Rome.
(c) The public was angry at Dion for trying to take Dionysius II's throne, but it was angry at Brutus for turning away from the vacant throne.
(d) The public was angry at Dion for opposing an effective leader, but it was angry at Brutus for not having a trial on Caesar's crimes.

4. Why did Antigonus' son, Philip, kill Aratus, according to Plutarch?
(a) He saw Aratus as a threat to his power.
(b) He became resentful of Aratus.
(c) He wanted to rule over Aratus' Greek alliance.
(d) He had an affair with Aratus' wife while Aratus was fighting for him in battle.

5. Why does Plutarch consider Demetrius' death more dishonorable than Antony's?
(a) Because Demetrius died after rebelling against his country.
(b) Because Demetrius died in captivity after a failed military adventure.
(c) Because Demetrius died from alcoholism.
(d) Because Demetrius died fleeing from his own army.

6. What does Plutarch claim that Brutus' decision to betray Caesar prove?
(a) That he was driven by principle and not emotion.
(b) That he wanted the opportunity to rule Rome.
(c) That he harbored resentment for his abandoning his mother after their affair.
(d) That he was ungrateful for the grace that Caesar extended to him after the civil war with Pompey.

7. Where did Demosthenes encourage Greeks to resist the rule of Philip and Alexander, according to Plutarch?
(a) At the battle of Chaeronea.
(b) In the Athenian Assembly.
(c) Through a Greek defensive alliance called Achaea.
(d) On the streets of Athens.

8. What does Plutarch report led to Antony's suicide at the threat of being defeated by Octavian?
(a) He was cornered with the co-conspirators of Caesar.
(b) He sided with Lepidus in a civil war against Octavian.
(c) His love affair with Queen Cleopatra of Egypt and his defense of Egypt against Octavian.
(d) He began a civil war with Ocavian and Lepidus in an effort to take total power of Rome.

9. Why did Plutarch claim that Tiberius was beaten to death on the Senate Floor?
(a) Because landowners became frustrated by his persistence and decided to end it in the senate.
(b) Because the senate was convinced that he was involved in the conspiracy against Caesar by Antony.
(c) Because Octavius made a speech that associated Tiberius' actions with those who had ambitions to become king.
(d) Because homeless soldiers got tired of waiting for his success and stormed the senate floor and cornered Tiberius.

10. According to Plutarch, what was the difference in political support between "The Roman Brothers" and "The Spartans"?
(a) "The Roman Brothers" had strong support from leaders in the senate, but "The Spartans" got their support from military men.
(b) "The Roman Brothers" were opposed by influential men of their day, but "The Spartans" were supported by history and the authority of one of the most important political leaders of Sparta.
(c) "The Roman Brothers" had their support from military men, but "The Spartans" were supported by the general public.
(d) "The Roman Brothers" kept opposition in check with strong support from the plebes, but "The Spartans" won political challenges through forceful personalities.

11. What did Plutarch claim to be the main issue facing Tiberius after he was elected tribune of the people?
(a) Internal improvements to help Rome transport goods in and out of the cities of the empire.
(b) Reforming the laws to even justice between the wealthy and the poor.
(c) Land reform to restore property taken by the wealthy class while common landowners were fighting wars.
(d) Raising revenues through taxes to support Rome's many wars and Empire.

12. For what does Plutarch claim Marcus Brutus is known?
(a) For being the, "Noblest Roman of them all."
(b) For being the illegitimate son of Caesar.
(c) For his role in the civil war with Pompey.
(d) Acting as one of the assassins of Caesar.

13. In the comparison of Tiberius and Caius Gracchus (henceforth identified here as "The Roman Brothers") with Agis and Cleomenes ("The Spartans"), how does Plutarch refer to Tiberius and Caius as a unit?
(a) Tiberius and Caius.
(b) Sons of Gracchus.
(c) The Romans.
(d) The Gracchi.

14. What political difference does Plutarch recognize between "The Spartans"?
(a) Agis was fiery and relentless, but Cleomenes was methodical and careful.
(b) Agis showed a lack of determination, but Cleomenes inspired revolution with boldness and violence.
(c) Agis was an uncontrolled revolutionary, but Cleomenes sought peaceful negotiations as a means of change.
(d) Agis depended on sarcastic rhetorical skills, but Cleomenes rhetorical style was theatrical and well rehearsed.

15. What does Plutarch record that Antony did in response to Brutus' and Cassius' assassination of Caesar?
(a) Recommend them as governors for Roman provinces.
(b) Joined their alliance so he could become part of the Roman power structure.
(c) Started an immediate pursuit to execute them for their crimes.
(d) Used the vacancy created by Caesar's death to attempt to fill a power vacuum.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first difference that Plutarch found between Demetrius and Antony?

2. What did Plutarch claim that Caius had to overcome before he was elected to tribune?

3. Which one of the four being compared does Plutarch report had no great action worthy of a commander?

4. What role did Antony eventually take in Rome, according to Plutarch, after Caesar's assassination?

5. How did Plutarch explain the difference between Tiberius and Caius when they delivered speeches?

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