Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Easy

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Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Plutarch explain that Aratus finally end Nicocles' reign over Sicyon?
(a) He conducted a military confrontation against the army of Sicyon.
(b) He used his rhetorical skills to inspire the population to establish its own government.
(c) He conducted a covert insurrection and drove Nicocles from his house.
(d) He led a revolution in Sicyon to overthrow all the tyrants.

2. What is the reason Plutarch gives for Aratus deciding to make alliance with Philip of Macedon?
(a) To prevent being attacked by Philip.
(b) To defend Greece from the Spartans.
(c) To benefit from the empire Philip was building.
(d) Cleomenes' victories over nearly all Achaean cities.

3. How did Plutarch characterize the differences in the changes in government "The Roman Brothers" and "The Spartans" sought to achieve?
(a) "The Roman Brothers" aimed at settling cities, mending highways, and recovering public lands whereas "The Spartans" sought to restore their city to its ancient state.
(b) "The Roman Brothers" sought to restore Rome to its ancient Republic, whereas "The Spartans" sought internal improvements.
(c) "The Roman Brothers" worked to restore the principles of the Republic, whereas "The Spartans" attempted to rid Sparta of its Greek democratic influence.
(d) "The Roman Brothers" sought to place all power in a king, but "The Spartans" sought democracy.

4. Who did Demetrius kill to take the throne of Macedon, according to Plutarch?
(a) Alexander, son of Philip.
(b) .Cassander.
(c) Alexander, son of Cassander.
(d) Antipater.

5. According to Plutarch, why was the issue still alive for Tiberius in spite of previous efforts to address the issue?
(a) Caius Laelius folded under political pressure from men of authority.
(b) Scipio could not overcome the political influence of senators who had sold their votes to wealthy landowners.
(c) Crassus' well known animosity for Caesar put his causes on the losing side in the senate.
(d) Cicero's sarcastic rhetorical style alienated more senators than it won over.

6. According to Plutarch, what lead to the death of Aratus' father?
(a) He was killed after being exposed as leader of a conspiracy to overthrow a tyranny.
(b) He was chosen to as a magistrate over Sicyon as it tried to relieve itself from several tyrannies.
(c) He was killed by a jealous magistrate wanting to take his power.
(d) He died in battle for Sicyon.

7. What is the first difference that Plutarch found between Demetrius and Antony?
(a) Demetrius was a willing mercenary, but Antony fought only for the glory of Rome.
(b) Demetrius' father proved his power as a great battle general, but Antony's father was not a warrior.
(c) Demetrius was born into a humble family, but Antony was born into wealth.
(d) Demetrius lived a restrained life, but Antony was a victim of his vices.

8. Why does Plutarch consider Demetrius' death more dishonorable than Antony's?
(a) Because Demetrius died fleeing from his own army.
(b) Because Demetrius died in captivity after a failed military adventure.
(c) Because Demetrius died after rebelling against his country.
(d) Because Demetrius died from alcoholism.

9. According to Plutarch, what was Artaxerxes' name before he became king?
(a) Darius.
(b) Ariaspes.
(c) Ochus.
(d) Arsicas.

10. Who did Plutarch identify as being responsible for opposing and turning back the legal and land reforms that were won by Caius as tribune?
(a) Caius Laelius.
(b) Antony.
(c) Octavius.
(d) Opimius.

11. What did Plutarch identify as the primary difference between "The Roman Brothers" and "The Spartans"?
(a) "The Roman Brothers" tried to revert the Roman culture to its old ways, but "The Spartans" only tried moderate changes in the legal system.
(b) "The Roman Brothers" were great warriors, but "The Spartans" were thinkers and politicians.
(c) "The Roman Brothers" improved their virtue through generous education but "The Spartans" kept their virtue in a social environment that had corrupted others.
(d) "The Roman Brothers" were wealthy landowners, but "The Spartans" gained their wealth through military exploits.

12. How was the Artaxerxes from Plutarch's "Lives" related to the first Artaxerxes to rule over Persia?
(a) He was a distant nephew whose family conspired to come into the line of the throne.
(b) They were the same person.
(c) He was a general who just happened to have the same name.
(d) He was the grandson to Artaxerxes through his mother, Parysatis.

13. What affect does Plutarch claim Aratus' education and his father's death have on Aratus?
(a) He cultivated a burning hatred of tyranny.
(b) He chose to throw himself into his studies and ignore the problems of Sicyon.
(c) He became suspicious and scheming.
(d) He became vengeful and rebellious.

14. Why did Plutarch claim that Tiberius was beaten to death on the Senate Floor?
(a) Because landowners became frustrated by his persistence and decided to end it in the senate.
(b) Because homeless soldiers got tired of waiting for his success and stormed the senate floor and cornered Tiberius.
(c) Because Octavius made a speech that associated Tiberius' actions with those who had ambitions to become king.
(d) Because the senate was convinced that he was involved in the conspiracy against Caesar by Antony.

15. How does Plutarch compare the motivations of rebelling between Dion and Brutus?
(a) Many thought Dion sought power for himself, but Brutus wanted only to serve Rome.
(b) Many supported Dion's revolution, but Brutus was opposed by the general public.
(c) Dion rebelled for the benefit of Syracusans, but Brutus wanted power.
(d) Dion rebelled against tyranny, but Brutus sought to restore the Roman Republic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Plutarch consider to be the difference between the reasons that Demosthenes and Cicero fled from the authorities?

2. For what did Plutarch claim that Artaxerxes I of Persia was known?

3. What did Plutarch claim to be the differences in motivation between Demosthenes and Cicero?

4. How was Cyrus' effort to overthrow Artaxerxes ended, according to Plutarch?

5. After Dion drove Donysius II from Syracuse, what does Plutarch claim came of his attempt to form a government?

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