Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Plutarch compare the climb to power between Agesilaus and Pompey?
(a) Pompey made his rise to power with great military victories, but Agesilaus rose by negotiating peace.
(b) Pompey made his rise to greatness by the fairest and justest means, but Agesilaus rose through the deception of a misinterpreted prophesy.
(c) Pompey made his rise to greatness by confronting tyrants, but Agesilaus rose through allying with tryants.
(d) Pompey made his rise to power by murdering rivals, but Agesilaus rose by negotiating with rivals.

2. What does Plutarch report of Cato during this civil war?
(a) He remained in the Senate to help keep peace in Rome.
(b) He joined Caesar to benefit his career in the senate.
(c) He fled with Pompey and stopped in Utica while Pompey proceeded to Greece.
(d) He remained neutral only to be taken prison by Caesar after the war ended.

3. According to Plutarch, how did Cleomenes become King of the Spartans?
(a) He became King after the death of Leonidas.
(b) He became king from family succssion from Agis.
(c) He became King after Lysander used a false prophesy to discredit Leotychides.
(d) He became King after defeating Agesilaus in battle.

4. Why does Plutarch use the name, "Cato the Younger"?
(a) Because he had a half brother also named Cato.
(b) Because he was the youngest leader in Rome.
(c) Because he also wrote of the grandfather, who's name was also Cato.
(d) Because he was one of two Catos serving in the Roman Senate.

5. Who does Plutarch report protected Cleomenes while he was in exile?
(a) Aratus of Sycion.
(b) King Ptolemy of Egypt.
(c) Artaxerxes of Persia.
(d) Phocion of Greece.

6. What preceded Caesar's election by the Senate to Dictator, according to Plutarch?
(a) Brutus' pledge of support to Caesar.
(b) Cassius choosing to join Caesar's army.
(c) His defeat over Pompey in a civil war.
(d) A crowd stirring speech by Antony.

7. How did Plutarch describe Cleomenes' personality?
(a) Temperate and moderate in leadership, but outgoing and social with friends.
(b) Violent and impetuous in personal relationships but focused and thoughtful in combat.
(c) Ambivalent toward justice but fiery in his pursuit of battle.
(d) Temperate and moderate in his pleasures, but impetuous and violent in his eagerness to pursue anything which he thought good and just.

8. Who does Plutarch report to be the master of Rome before Caesar came to power?
(a) Sylla.
(b) Cassius.
(c) Crassus.
(d) Cato.

9. How did Plutarch compare Agesilaus and Pompey in their treatment of the men who supported their rise to power?
(a) Both Agesilaus and Pompey remained loyal to those who helped their careers.
(b) Pompey remained loyal to Sylla even through the years Sylla had withdrawn his favor, but Agesilaus cast off Lysander with reproach after he rose to power on Lysander's misinterpretation of prophesy.
(c) Agesilaus placed Lysander in an important province to honor his help whereas Pompey began making political connections so he could escape the influence of Sylla.
(d) Both Agesilaus and Pompey betrayed those who helped them through their careers.

10. To whose death did Plutarch compare the death of Phocion?
(a) To Caesar's.
(b) To Sertorius'.
(c) Aristotle's.
(d) To Cato's.

11. What does Plutarch report to be the joke that Neoptoleumus, captain of Alexander's lifeguard, told of Eumenes?
(a) That Alexander fought with soldiers, but Eumenes fought with words.
(b) That he had followed Alexander with shield and spear, but Eumenes only with pen and paper.
(c) That Eumemes' battles were always fiercer on paper than they were in the field.
(d) That other armies train with swords, but Ememes' army trains with parchment.

12. According to Plutarch, what eventually led to Alexander and his mother, Olympia, separating from Philip to become his rivals?
(a) Philip's many marriages.
(b) Philip's squandering the family wealth on horses and soldiers.
(c) Philip's humiliating defeat against the Spartans.
(d) Philip's drunken display at the wedding of one of his nieces.

13. What battle against Macedon, according to Plutarch, that Phocion warned against taking that the Athenians lost under a different general?
(a) The battle for Euboea.
(b) The battle of Delphi.
(c) The battle at Chaeronea.
(d) The battle of Persia.

14. In what sort of activity did Eumenes get the attention of Philip of Macedon, according to Plutarch?
(a) Youth matches in Cardia.
(b) Breaking horses at a stable.
(c) Working as a servant in Philip's palace.
(d) Delivering speeches in his school.

15. How old does Plutarch claim Alexander to have been when Philip left him in charge of Macedon while he went on an expedition against Byzantine?
(a) 16.
(b) 20.
(c) 14.
(d) 18.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Plutarch, how did Caesar begin his rise to power over Rome?

2. Plutarch compares Sertorius to Philip, Antigonus, and Hannibal for his aggression, strategy, and what one other commonality?

3. With whom did Pompey make war that Plutarch reported eventually led to his death in Egypt?

4. What came of Rome after Crassus died, according to Plutarch?

5. There were 12 Roman Caesar's. Which one is Plutarch chronicling?

(see the answer keys)

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