Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Agis and Cleomenes.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Plutarch compare Sertorius and Eumenes in their views of war?
(a) Both Eumenes and Sertorius loved war.
(b) Eumenes naturally loved war, but Sertorius esteemed peace and tranquility.
(c) Both Eumenes hated the death of war, but loved the thrill of strategy.
(d) Both Eumenes and Sertorius esteemed peace and tranquility.

2. Who did Plutarch report to be the father of Agis and Agesilaus?
(a) Alcibiades.
(b) Archidamus, king of the Lacedaemonians.
(c) Zeuxidamus, King of the Lacedaemonians.
(d) Duris the historian.

3. Plutarch compares Sertorius to Philip, Antigonus, and Hannibal for his aggression, strategy, and what one other commonality?
(a) They each lost a hand in battle.
(b) They each had one eye.
(c) They each came from common families.
(d) They each had a short leg.

4. How did Plutarch report Caesar lost his position as Dictator?
(a) He was challenged to war by Ptolemy, which Caesar lost.
(b) The Roman Senate voted to exile Caesar for his many wars.
(c) He was assassinated by a conspiracy led by Cassius and Marcus Brutus.
(d) An insurrection by soldiers stationed in Germany.

5. Why did Plutarch consider Agesilaus a better general than Pompey?
(a) Agesilaus had soldiers who fought for his glory, but Pompey's soldiers fought for wealth.
(b) Because Agesilaus built a record of forcing his enemies into battle when they were at their weakest, but Pompey allowed his army to be beaten by Caesar's forces while they were weakened by hunger.
(c) Agesilaus knew how to win battles on land or at sea, but Pompey only knew how to fight on the land.
(d) Agesilaus proved his virtue by confronting his enemies at their most powerful, but Pompey tried to challenge less worthy opponents.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Plutarch describe Cleomenes' personality?

2. Why does Plutarch suggest that Cleomenes eliminated the office of ephors from Spartan Government?

3. Where does Plutarch report Alexander died?

4. Who were they, and what were the nationalities of Alexander's parents, according to Plutarch?

5. After his return from Spain, with whom does Plutarch claim Caesar took power over Rome in the Triumvirate?

(see the answer key)

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