Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Cato the Younger.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Plutarch report of Phocion's temperament?
(a) "...That public bodies are most insulting and contumelious to a good man,...."
(b) "For assuredly there is difference enough among virtues of the same denomination as between the bravery of Alcibiades and that of Eapmindondas,..."
(c) "He that remonstrates with them (public bodies) on their errors is presumed to be insulting over their misfortunes...."
(d) "...that scarcely was he ever seen by any Athenian either laughing, or in tears."

2. What did Plutarch report to be Agesilaus' physical deformity?
(a) He had one leg shorter than the other.
(b) He had only one eye.
(c) He had a lame hand.
(d) He was blind.

3. To whose death did Plutarch compare the death of Phocion?
(a) Aristotle's.
(b) To Cato's.
(c) To Caesar's.
(d) To Sertorius'.

4. In what sort of activity did Eumenes get the attention of Philip of Macedon, according to Plutarch?
(a) Working as a servant in Philip's palace.
(b) Youth matches in Cardia.
(c) Breaking horses at a stable.
(d) Delivering speeches in his school.

5. Why does Plutarch claim Philip believed that Alexander was a demi-god?
(a) Because there were three omens that prophets interpreted that Alexander's birth was exalted.
(b) Because Philip had a dream about serpents sleeping with Olympia that were signs of Jupiter's presence.
(c) Because Philip once saw a serpent sleeping with his wife and he was advised by a pagan priest that the serpent was Ammon (Zeus, Jupiter) who had taken that form.
(d) Because Alexander showed unnatural skill and intelligence from an early age.

Short Answer Questions

1. What subject does Plutarch report Sertorius mastered as a youth?

2. What disaster does Plutarch report occurred on the day that Alexander was born that later added to the legend that he was a demi-god?

3. Who were they, and what were the nationalities of Alexander's parents, according to Plutarch?

4. Why did Plutarch consider Agesilaus a better general than Pompey?

5. Plutarch compares Sertorius to Philip, Antigonus, and Hannibal for his aggression, strategy, and what one other commonality?

(see the answer key)

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