Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Phocion.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Plutarch characterize Phocion's speech?
(a) "...full of instruction, abounding in happy maxims and wise thoughts, but admitted no embellishment to its austere and commanding brevity."
(b) "Never had anyone said so much to so many with so few words."
(c) "Few had ever said as much with a paucity of verbage."
(d) "...That even from his infancy, in his speech, his countenance, and all his childish pastimes, he discovered and inflexible temper,..."

2. What did Plutarch report of Phocion's temperament?
(a) "For assuredly there is difference enough among virtues of the same denomination as between the bravery of Alcibiades and that of Eapmindondas,..."
(b) "He that remonstrates with them (public bodies) on their errors is presumed to be insulting over their misfortunes...."
(c) "...that scarcely was he ever seen by any Athenian either laughing, or in tears."
(d) "...That public bodies are most insulting and contumelious to a good man,...."

3. With whom did Pompey make war that Plutarch reported eventually led to his death in Egypt?
(a) Pompey led a civil war against Crassus to consolidate the power of the Triumvirate.
(b) Pompey led a civil war against Caesar in an attempt to take Caesar's power.
(c) Pompey led a civil war against Antony after the assassination of Caesar.
(d) Pompey led a civil war against Sertorius to exert Roman control over Western Europe.

4. What did Plutarch report to be Agesilaus' physical deformity?
(a) He had a lame hand.
(b) He had one leg shorter than the other.
(c) He was blind.
(d) He had only one eye.

5. How was Pompey acquitted of embezzlement that Plutarch reported was accused against his father after he died?
(a) Pompey set us his own slave as having stolen the funds.
(b) Pompey pledged his loyalty to Sylla.
(c) Pompey proved his father was in Spain governing the Roman province when the money had disappeared.
(d) Pompey traced the thefts to a freed slave of his father's, named Alexander.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Phocion advise Alexander to make war against rather than the Athenians, according to Plutarch?

2. How old does Plutarch claim Alexander to have been when Philip left him in charge of Macedon while he went on an expedition against Byzantine?

3. In what sort of family does Plutarch claim Eumenes was raised?

4. How old was Alexander when Plutarch claims he took the Macedonian throne after Philip's death?

5. What five qualities does Plutarch claim that Sertorius possessed in greater qualities than the other generals to whom Plutarch compared him?

(see the answer key)

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