Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Comparison of Tiberius and Caius Gracchus with Agis and Cleomenes.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Plutarch, when did Phocion rise to power in Athens?
(a) As Greece was recovering from war with the Macedonians.
(b) After Alexander had decided to invade Persia.
(c) After the death of Eumenes.
(d) As the ship of state in Athens was sinking.

2. What battle against Macedon, according to Plutarch, that Phocion warned against taking that the Athenians lost under a different general?
(a) The battle for Euboea.
(b) The battle of Delphi.
(c) The battle of Persia.
(d) The battle at Chaeronea.

3. How did Plutarch characterize the differences in the changes in government "The Roman Brothers" and "The Spartans" sought to achieve?
(a) "The Roman Brothers" sought to restore Rome to its ancient Republic, whereas "The Spartans" sought internal improvements.
(b) "The Roman Brothers" sought to place all power in a king, but "The Spartans" sought democracy.
(c) "The Roman Brothers" aimed at settling cities, mending highways, and recovering public lands whereas "The Spartans" sought to restore their city to its ancient state.
(d) "The Roman Brothers" worked to restore the principles of the Republic, whereas "The Spartans" attempted to rid Sparta of its Greek democratic influence.

4. What did Plutarch report to be Agesilaus' physical deformity?
(a) He was blind.
(b) He had only one eye.
(c) He had a lame hand.
(d) He had one leg shorter than the other.

5. What preceded Caesar's election by the Senate to Dictator, according to Plutarch?
(a) Cassius choosing to join Caesar's army.
(b) A crowd stirring speech by Antony.
(c) Brutus' pledge of support to Caesar.
(d) His defeat over Pompey in a civil war.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Phocion advise Alexander to make war against rather than the Athenians, according to Plutarch?

2. How does Plutarch claim the birth order of Agis and Agesilaus affected their lives?

3. How did Plutarch report Caesar lost his position as Dictator?

4. What did Plutarch report to be the differences between Rome and Sparta at the time "The Roman Brothers" and "The Spartans" had their influence?

5. Who did Plutarch report to be the father of Agis and Agesilaus?

(see the answer key)

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