Plum Island Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
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Plum Island Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What unique object is Emma wearing when Tom meets her at this historical society in Chapter 21?
(a) A pirate's hat.
(b) A necklace featuring a skull and crossbones.
(c) A Tobin winery shirt.
(d) An old-fashioned bonnet.

2. What topic does Emma discuss with John as they look at the stars in Chapter 17?
(a) Fredric Tobin.
(b) The Gordons' murders.
(c) Her favorite foods.
(d) Captain Kidd's treasure.

3. When John finds the abandoned ambulance in Chapter 35, what does he do?
(a) He drives it back to Beth.
(b) Breaks off the steering wheel.
(c) He puts it in neutral and pushes it off of the road.
(d) Disables the hydraulic lines and electrical wires.

4. After John knocks Stevens out a second time in Chapter 27, what does he do to him?
(a) Ties his shoelaces together.
(b) Ties his hands behind his back.
(c) Removes his clothing.
(d) Takes his gun.

5. Who has been murdered in Chapter 29?
(a) Dr. Zollner and Emma.
(b) Max and Emma.
(c) Emma and the Murphys.
(d) Margaret Wiley.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was the murder that was discussed in Chapter 29 committed?

2. In Chapter 36, what reason does Tobin give for murdering the Gordons?

3. Who does John call to let him into the historical society location?

4. How many messages does John have on his answering machine, in Chapter 15?

5. What item does Beth jokingly declare to be looking for on Tobin's lawn?

Short Essay Questions

1. What unique item does John find at Tobin's apartment that leads him to believe Tobin planned to bury the treasure on his land all along?

2. After the Gordons' bodies were examined, what were some clues that they were doing something manual before their deaths?

3. Why didn't Margaret Wiley initially want to sell the land to the Gordons?

4. Describe the appearance of Edgar Murphy.

5. What bad news does Beth bring to John on Monday morning?

6. Describe the inside decor of the Murphy home.

7. What dangers do John and Beth face out at sea in Chapter 34?

8. What does John and Beth suppose that Tobin planned to do with the skeleton they found in his cellar?

9. What information does the letter from the Gordons contain in Chapter 37?

10. What injuries does John inflict upon Tobin in Chapter 36?

(see the answer keys)

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