Plum Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
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Plum Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose voice does John's voice-warning and advisory system in his car remind him of?
(a) Detective Penrose's voice.
(b) Judy Gordon's voice.
(c) His ex-wife's voice.
(d) His waitress's voice.

2. What does John order for lunch instead of meat during his visit to Plum Island in Chapter 12?
(a) Pasta.
(b) A muffin.
(c) A salad.
(d) Jell-O.

3. According to Dr. Zollner, what animal quarantine complex is like the Ellis Island for the animal kingdom?
(a) Plum Island.
(b) The Flordia Animal Reserve.
(c) Newburgh Complex.
(d) Alcatraz.

4. According to Mr. Foster, how many people would be killed by a coffee can full of anthrax being vaporized into the air in Manhattan?
(a) A minimum of two hundred thousand.
(b) One million people.
(c) Fifty thousand people.
(d) Five thousand people.

5. What lingering memory from a crime scene does John have the most difficulty forgetting?
(a) The smell of death.
(b) The taste of death in the air.
(c) The sound of the silence.
(d) The sight of the bodies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What precinct did John work for prior to the beginning of the book?

2. What does Dr. Zollner believe that the Gordons wanted more than being rich?

3. What time does John wake up, in Chapter 7?

4. What is the name of Dr. Zollner's secretary?

5. In the past, what had Gordon confided to John was his greatest fear?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why were Tom and Judy Gordon sometimes mistaken for celebrities?

2. What quality of Max's does John admire after he hears him on the seven o'clock news in Chapter 7?

3. Describe the Olde Towne Taverne.

4. What reasons does John come up with, when contemplating Gordon continuing the case in Chapter 6?

5. When Elizabeth tries to ask John about what he knows about the case in Chapter 5, what does he ask her about instead?

6. What did the Gordons tell Margaret Wiley they planned to do with the land they purchased from her?

7. Why does Max want to bring John on as a consultant in the Gordon case?

8. Describe the appearance of Donna Alba.

9. Why doesn't John answer the questions from George Foster about his relationship with the Gordons in Chapter 4?

10. Who is Kenneth Gibbs and what does he look like?

(see the answer keys)

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