Plum Island Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
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Plum Island Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is wrong with the Murphy's key to the Gordon house?
(a) It is missing.
(b) It has broken in half.
(c) It no longer fits the locks, since they were changed.
(d) Nothing is wrong with their key.

2. What does John show to the Murphys to identify Tobin as a man that frequently visited the Gordons?
(a) A photograph they took of Tobin down at the station.
(b) A brochure from Tobin's winery.
(c) A picture of Tobin he had cut from a local magazine.
(d) A snapshot of Tobin he took on his phone.

3. When they finally get the boat under control in Chapter 33, what problem do they notice next?
(a) They are almost out of gas.
(b) They have debris in the boat.
(c) The warning system has shut off the engine to the boat.
(d) They have both lost their firearms in the storm.

4. When Beth asks John what information he has uncovered in Chapter 26, how does he respond?
(a) He gives a few hints but mostly teases her.
(b) He tells her everything he has learned.
(c) He claims he hasn't figured out anything.
(d) He lies to her and tells her another theory.

5. What show was Agnes watching the night Tom and Judy were murdered?
(a) Days of our lives.
(b) Oprah.
(c) The Montel Williams Show.
(d) Little House on the Prairie.

6. How did the Murphys know how much the Gordons paid in rent?
(a) Tom had told Edgar what they paid.
(b) They know the owner of the house.
(c) They had received their bill by mistake once in the mail.
(d) They were their landlords.

7. What topic does Emma discuss with John as they look at the stars in Chapter 17?
(a) Fredric Tobin.
(b) Her favorite foods.
(c) Captain Kidd's treasure.
(d) The Gordons' murders.

8. Why isn't Beth able to interview Donna Alba?
(a) She is on vacation.
(b) She refuses to cooperate.
(c) She has been killed.
(d) She has lost her voice.

9. What does Margaret Wiley's face remind John of?
(a) An old painting.
(b) A victim from a previous case he worked.
(c) Hi grandmother.
(d) A celebrity.

10. Why did Edgar decide to go talk to the Gordons on the night of their murder?
(a) He wanted to take them some flowers.
(b) He wanted to borrow an extension cord.
(c) The Gordons had asked him over earlier.
(d) He wanted to ask a question about their boat.

11. What happens to Tobin at the end of the novel?
(a) He dies from complications from his fight with John.
(b) He is in prison awaiting his trial.
(c) He has escaped and no one knows his whereabouts.
(d) He has been executed for his murder of the Gordons.

12. What is the name of Tobin's housekeeper?
(a) Eva.
(b) Mary.
(c) Anita.
(d) Ella.

13. Where does Beth want John to meet her at the beginning of Chapter 14?
(a) His house.
(b) The Murphy's home.
(c) The Gordons' home.
(d) Her hotel.

14. Where does John go to research the buried treasure in Chapter 21?
(a) The library.
(b) The historical society.
(c) He goes to the police station.
(d) He searches the internet from an internet cafe.

15. What is the name of the boat Tobin has taken out to see in Chapter 33?
(a) Fine Merlot.
(b) Grapes of the Gods.
(c) Fredric's Fury.
(d) Autumn Gold.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to his housekeeper, what did Tobin take on the boat?

2. After their meeting at the historical society, where do Emma and John go?

3. After the storm passes, what do Beth and John do with Tobin's boats?

4. What skill did Emma teach Fredric Tobin while they were dating?

5. What do they discover on the Gordons' land they purchased from Margaret Wiley?

(see the answer keys)

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