Plenty Test | Final Test - Easy

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Plenty Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Susan asks Charleson if he hates being in a business _______________________.
(a) With such gravity.
(b) With no security.
(c) With such erratic hours.
(d) Where he's not allowed to speak his mind.

2. Who does Susan encounter in France?
(a) A Frenchman.
(b) Alice.
(c) Charleson.
(d) Mick.

3. Which of the following does Charleson say Brock does NOT have?
(a) Intellect.
(b) Passion.
(c) Wit.
(d) Courage.

4. Why was Susan being arrested?
(a) Setting fire to her apartment building.
(b) Shooting a man.
(c) Robbing a store.
(d) Not showing up for court.

5. Who is the Burmese businessman Brock is entertaining?
(a) Mr. Chan.
(b) Mr. Wong.
(c) Mr. Pax.
(d) Mr. Ngueyn.

6. What does Alice say is one of her biggest fears?
(a) Driving over bridges.
(b) Taking elevators.
(c) Being buried alive.
(d) Snakes.

7. What does Dorcas want and can't afford?
(a) A house.
(b) A new car.
(c) A new wardrobe.
(d) An abortion.

8. Where have Susan and Brock been on a diplomatic mission?
(a) Iraq.
(b) Pakistan.
(c) Burma.
(d) Iran.

9. What is the setting for Act 2, Scene 10?
(a) Susan and Brock's house.
(b) Charleson's office.
(c) A jazz club.
(d) A bookstore.

10. Who is giving a radio interview as Act 2, Scene 9 begins?
(a) Brock.
(b) Susan.
(c) Alice.
(d) Mick.

11. Who is Alice's lover?
(a) Doris.
(b) Dorcas.
(c) Dodie.
(d) Dorian.

12. What holiday weekend is it in Act 2, Scene 10?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Easter.
(c) New Year's.
(d) Valentine's Day

13. Which of the following is NOT a topic of conversation between Brock and Alice?
(a) The weather.
(b) How dusty the house is.
(c) How grim funerals are.
(d) How the house is unused.

14. What does Darwin tell Brock almost guarantees a promotion in the diplomatic service?
(a) Family connections.
(b) A trust fund.
(c) Military service.
(d) A mad wife.

15. How does Susan say she got blood on her hands?
(a) She broke a glass in the kitchen.
(b) She has a paper cut.
(c) She ripped a fingernail while peeling wallpaper.
(d) She cut herself while slicing bread.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Charleson call when Susan threatens suicide?

2. What does Darwin ask Brock about Susan's behavior?

3. The priest speaks about the _____________ of life.

4. Who arrives late for the dinner party?

5. Susan finally gets the Frenchman to admit that he is ______________.

(see the answer keys)

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