Plenty Test | Final Test - Easy

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Plenty Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what reason does Alice say that Dorcas needs the money?
(a) To pay for her mother's surgery.
(b) For an operation on her hands.
(c) To bail out her brother.
(d) To pay the IRS.

2. How much time has passed since Act 2, Scene 10?
(a) Six months.
(b) A few months.
(c) A couple of hours.
(d) Two years.

3. What does Susan say is the only real dignity in life?
(a) Raising good children.
(b) Being philanthropic.
(c) Living single.
(d) Honoring your parents.

4. Who does Susan encounter in France?
(a) A Frenchman.
(b) Charleson.
(c) Alice.
(d) Mick.

5. Why is Susan going into town?
(a) For an anniversary party.
(b) For a party celebrating the liberation.
(c) For a wedding.
(d) For a birthday party.

6. What does Brock think made his civil service job easier?
(a) Cocktail parties.
(b) Assistants.
(c) Limousines.
(d) Hypocrisy.

7. What has hindered Brock's progress in the diplomatic service?
(a) His decision not to return to Iran.
(b) His lack of social skills.
(c) His wife's mental illness.
(d) His inability to learn French.

8. What is the occasion in Act 1, Scene 7?
(a) A funeral.
(b) A dinner party.
(c) A bon voyage party.
(d) A wedding.

9. In what year does Act 2, Scene 12 take place?
(a) 2001.
(b) 1944.
(c) 1972.
(d) 1954.

10. What do Alice and Brock do in Act 2, Scene 8?
(a) Open a shop.
(b) Go dancing.
(c) Eat dinner.
(d) Remove dustsheets from furniture.

11. What does the Frenchman say about the English?
(a) They have really bad teeth.
(b) They always hide their feelings.
(c) They are very polite.
(d) They are hard to understand.

12. What does Susan say she will do if Brock doesn't get a better job?
(a) Divorce him.
(b) Kill him.
(c) Get a job herself.
(d) Kill herself.

13. What does Susan suggest that they do with the house?
(a) Sell it to Charleson.
(b) Give it to Alice to use as a shelter for troubled women.
(c) Tear it down and start over.
(d) Donate it to the city for a museum.

14. Where have Susan and Brock been on a diplomatic mission?
(a) Pakistan.
(b) Iran.
(c) Iraq.
(d) Burma.

15. Who is Alice's lover?
(a) Dorcas.
(b) Dodie.
(c) Dorian.
(d) Doris.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the British Prime Minister that Darwin feels is to blame for the British problems?

2. What does Alice say is one of her biggest fears?

3. What does the radio interviewer ask Susan if she does?

4. What does Susan indirectly offer Charleson in exchange for a promotion for Brock?

5. Charleson tells Susan that Brock is perceived as __________.

(see the answer keys)

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