Playing for the Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elizabeth George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Playing for the Ashes Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Elizabeth George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of take-out does Chris buy?
(a) Thai.
(b) Tandoori.
(c) Chinese.
(d) Pizza.

2. What is Miriam's nursing chair covered in?
(a) Satin.
(b) Silk.
(c) Green velvet.
(d) Red velvet.

3. What does Olivia say she sees her unborn baby as?
(a) A way of getting attention.
(b) An inconvenience
(c) A God send.
(d) A way of getting money.

4. What phrase does Martin use to explain the facts of life to his son?
(a) Honeymoon frolics.
(b) Marital embrace.
(c) Becoming a man.
(d) Getting some.

5. What song does Chris sing in the kitchen as he prepares the food?
(a) Heart of Gold.
(b) Lonesome Blues.
(c) Lonesome Me.
(d) Crazy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which Rod Stewart song does Lynley think of as he climbs the stairs of his girlfriend's apartment building?

2. What instrument does Ritchie play?

3. What does Olivia say her mother labeled her in?

4. What does Barbara like to accompany a fine meal?

5. Which newspaper does Olivia say dedicates itself to factual information?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Jimmy and his sibling do at Island Gardens Station?

2. What does Jean remember about the last time she spoke with Kenneth?

3. What problems is Lynley having in this section?

4. Why doesn't Jean like to hear people talking about her son?

5. How does Miriam react to Olivia's pregnancy?

6. Why is the case surrounding Kenneth Fleming so volatile?

7. What did Olivia soon discover about Richie after she went back with him?

8. What does Olivia remember about her mother's relationship with Kenneth?

9. How does Olivia upset her parents when she runs into them on the street?

10. How do the girls at the cafe decide who fetches a repair man?

(see the answer keys)

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