Playing for the Ashes Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Playing for the Ashes Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who jumps on Jimmy as soon as he is escorted from his house by the police?
(a) Muggers.
(b) Cricket fans.
(c) The TV crews.
(d) The press.

2. Who does Lynley tell Jean to call when Jimmy is drowning?
(a) The fire brigade.
(b) Sea Rescue.
(c) Water Rescue.
(d) The river police.

3. What condition is Guy's wife in?
(a) Crippled.
(b) Pregnant.
(c) Post labor.
(d) Asleep.

4. What does Lynley leave beside Helen's bedside?
(a) A pen.
(b) A letter.
(c) A gold chain.
(d) An engagement ring.

5. How did Harold Rashadam help Ken?
(a) He coached him to become a better cricketer.
(b) He paid for him to goto Oxford.
(c) He sponsered him in his ambitions to become a cricketer.
(d) He taught him how to drive.

6. Why is Kenneth at the airport all night?
(a) He had problems with airport security.
(b) His flight was delayed.
(c) He was in two minds whether to go to Greece or not.
(d) He missed his flight.

7. What do Guy and his friends use their apartment for?
(a) Parties.
(b) Extramarital affairs.
(c) HIdeaways.
(d) Foreign business partners.

8. Where does Olivia say she was the night of Ken's death?
(a) At her mother's.
(b) At home.
(c) At work.
(d) Eating out with Chris.

9. Why does Chris say he should find a job as a bread maker?
(a) He is at shaping.
(b) He is good with dough.
(c) He is good at waiting for things to rise slowly.
(d) He is good at kneading.

10. What is the name of Jean's brother?
(a) Philip.
(b) David.
(c) Derrick.
(d) James.

11. What wakes Olivia up after she falls asleep waiting for her mother to return?
(a) The sound of someone entering the house.
(b) The sound of gunfire.
(c) The sound of thunder.
(d) The sound of someone striking a match.

12. What does Jimmy take from the potting shed?
(a) A mower.
(b) A knife.
(c) A gun.
(d) A key.

13. What is Winston Nkata's rank?
(a) Detective Constable.
(b) Police Constabel.
(c) Chief Inspector.
(d) Sergeant.

14. Who does Olivia say she visited the night of Kenneth's death?
(a) Barry.
(b) Richie.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her mother.

15. What does Chris want to do instead taking up Olivia's offer of sex?
(a) Go for dinner.
(b) Go to the fair.
(c) Go to the library.
(d) Read poetry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What brand of cigarettes does Jean smoke?

2. Where does Mrs. Whitelaw claim to have been?

3. What does Chris say makes one conscience of need?

4. What is the racist name the National Front group calls Lloyd George?

5. What does Lynley tell Olivia he knows in this section?

(see the answer keys)

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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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