Player Piano Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Player Piano Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What subject did Professor von Neumann used to teach?
(a) Political Science.
(b) Film Studies.
(c) Calculus.
(d) Biology.

2. What is a Ghost Shirt according to the Ghost Dance religion?
(a) A poison shirt used to kill enemies.
(b) A garment that makes the wearer invisible.
(c) A symbol of nobility.
(d) A magical shield.

3. Who is Fred Garth?
(a) Dr. Proteus's competition for the Pittsburgh job.
(b) Dr. Proteus's boss.
(c) Dr. Proteus's partner in a design project.
(d) Dr. Proteus's brother.

4. Who is knocked unconscious at the beginning of the rebellion?
(a) The Shah.
(b) Dr. Proteus.
(c) Halyard.
(d) Anita.

5. How much is the offer that Buck takes from Coach Roseberry?
(a) $13,000.
(b) $36,000.
(c) $43,000.
(d) $20,000.

6. Who do Buck and Coach Roseberry see at the bar?
(a) Dr. Proteus.
(b) Harrison.
(c) Lasher.
(d) Baer.

7. When Kroner visits the jail, what does Kroner say that Dr. Proteus has to do in order to get a promotion?
(a) Blow up the Ghost Shirt Society's headquarters.
(b) Turn in the members of the society.
(c) Kill Finnerty.
(d) Get back together with Anita.

8. What does Kroner ask Dr. Proteus to do in Chapter 20?
(a) Host a dinner party.
(b) Lose the competition on purpose.
(c) Go on a business trip.
(d) Become an informant.

9. Who does Dr. Proteus live on the farm with?
(a) Anita.
(b) Baer.
(c) Haycox.
(d) He lives alone.

10. Why do the police come to Dr. Proteus's farm?
(a) He is being arrested.
(b) They want him to join the department.
(c) He is a suspect in a crime and must be questioned.
(d) He has to register his change in employment status.

11. What happens after Paul takes a few sips of his drink?
(a) He spits it out.
(b) He passes out.
(c) He dumps out the drink in the bathroom.
(d) He demands a refund for the drink.

12. Who is Edmund Harrison?
(a) A young engineer.
(b) Kroner's son.
(c) A bartender.
(d) An agent from the government.

13. What does Dr. Proteus hear from the cell next to his?
(a) Morse code.
(b) Classical music.
(c) An argument.
(d) Singing.

14. Why won't Coach Roseberry let Halyard pass his test?
(a) Halyard wrote a complaint to the coach's superiors.
(b) He thinks that Halyard will cheat on the test.
(c) Halyard wants the coach's job.
(d) He thinks that Halyard does not deserve a degree.

15. What does Paul find out about Anita at the end of Chapter 25?
(a) She is planning to move back to her parents' house.
(b) She is cheating on him.
(c) She has turned him in to the police.
(d) She stole all of his money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Dr. Proteus charged with in Chapter 32?

2. What do the employees watch at the Meadows?

3. Who does Dr. Proteus sit next to on the train?

4. How is the oak tree killed?

5. Where did Halyard go to school?

(see the answer keys)

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