Player Piano Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Player Piano Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of car does Paul buy when he is promoted?
(a) A beat-up Dodge pickup truck.
(b) A brand new Mercedes.
(c) An old, shabby Plymouth.
(d) An expensive black Cadillac.

2. How does Anita convince Dr. Proteus to marry her?
(a) She writes him a romantic song.
(b) She pretends to be pregnant.
(c) She offers him a great deal of money.
(d) Her father begs him to marry her.

3. After Dr. Proteus kicks Shepherd out of his office, what does he tell Katherine to do if Shepherd returns?
(a) Have Shepherd fired.
(b) Call the police.
(c) Shoot Shepherd.
(d) Hit Shepherd.

4. What is the condition of the farm when Dr. Proteus first visits it?
(a) It needs a few repairs.
(b) It is in pristine condition.
(c) The house on the farm is falling down.
(d) It is very run-down.

5. How does Finnerty get into Dr. Proteus's office at the beginning of Chapter 9?
(a) He asks Katherine to let him in.
(b) He picks the lock.
(c) He breaks down the door.
(d) He still has the keys.

6. What does Dr. Proteus say that upsets Anita at the end of Chapter 10?
(a) That he will do whatever he likes.
(b) That he punched Finnerty.
(c) That he was flirting with Katherine.
(d) That Shepherd saw him at the bar.

7. Why won't Dr. Proteus's car start?
(a) Finnerty used all the gas.
(b) Anita blew out the engine.
(c) The starter is broken.
(d) He has a bad transmission.

8. Where is EPICAC located?
(a) Carlsbad Caverns.
(b) Ilium Works.
(c) The city center.
(d) Cornelius Caves.

9. In Chapter 13, how much money does Dr. Proteus estimate that he has?
(a) $225,000.
(b) $750,000.
(c) $100,000.
(d) $4,000.

10. What happens to the cat that Dr. Proteus brings to Ilium Works?
(a) It is electrocuted.
(b) Dr. Proteus gives it to Dr. Calhoun.
(c) It catches seventeen mice.
(d) It runs and hides somewhere in the Works.

11. In Chapter 10, what is Anita most concerned about when she asks Dr. Proteus about what happened at the bar?
(a) Whether he drank too much.
(b) Whether anyone important saw him at the bar.
(c) Whether he gambled.
(d) Whether he spent too much money.

12. What does Lasher say will eventually happen to everyone with an IQ above 110?
(a) They will kills those with lower IQ's.
(b) They will be massacred.
(c) They will give up power.
(d) They will help those with lower IQs get better careers.

13. What is Finnerty's family background?
(a) His mother and father are inventors.
(b) His family has low IQ scores and they are poor.
(c) His family is very wealthy.
(d) His father is a powerful governement official.

14. How do the Hagstroms spend most of their time?
(a) Watching TV.
(b) Listening to music.
(c) Looking for work.
(d) Cleaning the house.

15. Why does Dr. Proteus drive into Homestead?
(a) To buy jewelry for his wife.
(b) To find workers for the factory.
(c) To buy whiskey.
(d) To get his car fixed.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Halyard describes the concept of a citizen, how does the Shah translate the word "citizen" in his native language?

2. How does Anita react to Dr. Proteus's initial lie about his night at the bar?

3. Who did Kroner used to be good friends with?

4. What is Luke Lubbock's approximate IQ?

5. Who is Mr. Haycox?

(see the answer keys)

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