Play It as It Lays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Play It as It Lays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Maria want to talk to the night she sleeps with a bottle of gin by her bed because the pain medication isn't working?
(a) Helene.
(b) Les Goodwin.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Carter.

2. Whom does Maria call when the blood become so fast she soaks three pads in fifteen minutes?
(a) BZ.
(b) Les.
(c) Felicia.
(d) Carter.

3. When Maria comes home and finds Ivan Costello drunk in her house and she tells him "No", how does he respond?
(a) "Fight me. I like it better that way anyway."
(b) "Fine. I'm not coming back again for you."
(c) "Fine. I'll come back when you're ready."
(d) "Fight me. You'll like it better that way anyway."

4. When Maria runs into Carter unexpectedly on the street in Beverly Hills after their divorce, where does she tell him she is going for a few days?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Las Vegas.
(c) New York.
(d) Mexico City.

5. At three in the morning in the desert, when Maria asks Carter, "Why do you fight," what does he say?
(a) "To see if you love me."
(b) "Because I hate you."
(c) "To find out if you're alive."
(d) "Because you fight back."

Short Answer Questions

1. When Maria attends parties with occasional, third-string "faggots," why is she considered a "modest asset"?

2. What does the hairdresser on the set give Maria?

3. When Maria tells Helene that they don't have to have lunch the day of the divorce hearing, what does Helene say?

4. What does Benny Austin tell Maria about her mother's health the last time she ever saw her?

5. Why does Maria move out of the house in Beverly Hills?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Maria do when she runs into Benny Austin at the Flamingo and why?

2. What does Larry Kulik tell Maria about what people are saying about her and what does it signify?

3. When Ivan Costello returns Maria's phone call, how does he behave and what does it signify?

4. Why does the actor Maria had sex with send her two dozen roses?

5. Why do Carter and Helene assume that Maria had something to do with BZ's death and what are the consequences?

6. When Carter tells Maria that his film will be showing at Cannes, how does she respond?

7. What happens when Maria leaves a party with an actor and they have sex and why is it significant?

8. What happens when Maria waits for a pay phone at the grocery store and what does it represent?

9. What does Maria remember about meeting BZ for the first time and what does it foreshadow?

10. What does watching the television and reading the newspaper reveal about Maria's state of mind?

(see the answer keys)

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