Play It as It Lays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Play It as It Lays Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When a comedian comes into the suite at the casino and makes a comment about Maria being new talent, what does Larry Kulik say?
(a) She's great talent.
(b) She's experienced talent.
(c) She's not talent.
(d) She's the best talent.

2. Carter has done a film that Maria has not seen. It is entered in what film festival?
(a) Edinburgh International.
(b) Berlin.
(c) Cannes.
(d) New York.

3. Who at Christmas dinner is "preternaturally attuned to the threat of voices not even raised"?
(a) Les.
(b) Kate.
(c) Maria.
(d) BZ.

4. Who acts as Maria's witness at Maria and Carter's divorce hearing?
(a) BZ.
(b) Les.
(c) Helene.
(d) Felicia.

5. What kind of movie does BZ watch the first time Maria met him at his house?
(a) A silent movie.
(b) A blue movie.
(c) A new movie.
(d) An old movie.

6. How does Maria get home from Vegas after being arrested?
(a) She drives back in a convertible.
(b) She hitchhikes back.
(c) She takes the train back.
(d) She flies back on a Lear jet.

7. According to Freddy Chaikin, what is the best medicine for things wrong in the private life department?
(a) Rest.
(b) Work.
(c) Prayer.
(d) Play.

8. What does a columnist from the trades call to ask Maria?
(a) If she is starring in anything and what she thinks of Carter's new picture.
(b) What she thinks of Carter dating Susannah Wood and if she is starring in anything.
(c) Whom she is dating and what she thinks of Carter dating Susannah Wood.
(d) What she thinks of Carter's new picture and Carter dating Susannah Wood.

9. Maria receives a mimeographed letter in care of the studio that is from whom?
(a) A fan.
(b) A psychiatrist.
(c) A hypnotist.
(d) A director.

10. What does Maria tell Benny Austin about why she had to leave him?
(a) She needed a drink.
(b) She lost big.
(c) She got another call.
(d) She got sick.

11. According to Helene, what did the Guatemalan from the employment agency steal from Maria?
(a) Her makeup.
(b) Her jewelry.
(c) Her car.
(d) Her diaphragm.

12. Why does Maria feel a rush of shame when she tells Benny Austin to come see her in Los Angeles?
(a) Because she would not see him if he came.
(b) Because Benny never goes to Los Angeles.
(c) None of the answers is correct.
(d) Because Maria never goes to Los Angeles.

13. At the restaurant with Les Goodwin the day of Maria's abortion, what does she tell Les she wants to order?
(a) Chocolate pie and one drink.
(b) A very large steak and three drinks.
(c) A salad and two drinks.
(d) Nothing but water.

14. What does Helene ask Carter as they wait for the papers to be signed at the divorce hearing?
(a) To guess which dykes were feeding each other at the bistro.
(b) To guess which actor was caught with his pants down.
(c) To guess which actress BZ is sleeping with.
(d) To guess how long it will take for Maria and Les to get hitched.

15. According to Maria, who probably pages her at the casino where she has run out on Benny Austin?
(a) Carter.
(b) Larry Kulik.
(c) BZ.
(d) Benny Austin.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does BZ behave toward Maria the first time she met him at his house?

2. Who spits into the phone, saying to Maria, "You want to know what I think of your life"?

3. What is the name of the place where the house slides on the television news that Maria is watching?

4. After running into Carter unexpectedly on the street in Beverly Hills, what does Maria imagine in the water that are "translucent as jellyfish"?

5. At the end of the novel, who is with BZ at the time of his death?

(see the answer keys)

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