Play It as It Lays Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Play It as It Lays Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 40 - 60.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In her dreams of Les Goodwin and Kate, Maria imagines the three of them going to the beach to do what?
(a) Make sand castles.
(b) Swim.
(c) Lie on the beach.
(d) Gather mussels.

2. What does BZ do with the first picture that Carter made with Maria that she doesn't like?
(a) He destroys it.
(b) He runs it often.
(c) He seldom runs it.
(d) He sells it.

3. What kind of movie does BZ watch the first time Maria met him at his house?
(a) A blue movie.
(b) A silent movie.
(c) A new movie.
(d) An old movie.

4. When Maria visits Kate at the hospital and warns the nurse about Kate's nightmares, what does Maria realize about getting an abortion?
(a) That she expected she wouldn't go through with it.
(b) That she expected she would get pregnant again.
(c) That she expected it wouldn't be her last.
(d) That she expected to die.

5. The first time Maria meets BZ at his house, BZ tells Carter, "The rough cut looked fantastic, except you're missing the ________."
(a) Star.
(b) Action.
(c) Story.
(d) Lighting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the charge at Maria and Carter's divorce hearing that is uncontested?

2. How many dollars does Maria withdraw in cash from the bank to pay for the abortion?

3. What does she buy at Saks that she can't fit into her Corvette?

4. Why is the volume of the movie that man watches in the next room where Maria has her abortion turned up?

5. After he returns from his film shoot, how does Carter respond to Maria's question if he's going to stay at the house in Beverly Hills?

(see the answer key)

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