Plato's Phaedo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plato's Phaedo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is there no greater evil than according to Socrates?
(a) Commerce.
(b) Hating reasonable discourse.
(c) Hating philosophy.
(d) Politics.

2. Who directs harmony according to Socrates' argument?
(a) The harp.
(b) Muses.
(c) Gods.
(d) The lyre.

3. Who is inferior to the humans according to Socrates?
(a) The thing living in the heavens.
(b) The thing dwelling in caves.
(c) The things living under the ocean.
(d) The thing living in volcanoes.

4. What does Socrates say should not make one hate argument?
(a) The ease.
(b) Being wrong.
(c) The difficulty.
(d) The rebuttal.

5. Where does Socrates think the people of earth dwell?
(a) On its surface.
(b) In its oceans.
(c) In the hollows of the earth.
(d) In his caves.

6. What position does Simmias accept concerning the soul?
(a) It cannot learn.
(b) It is mortal.
(c) It is not necessarily composite.
(d) It has several facets.

7. What does the start of 88c-95a say about what Phaedo and others thought of Socrates' arguments?
(a) They were off topic.
(b) They were disappointing.
(c) They were impressive.
(d) They were short.

8. What does Socrates think earth balanced in the middle of?
(a) Water.
(b) The heavens.
(c) A homogeneous substance.
(d) Ether.

9. Why are the souls wandering the earth according to Socrates?
(a) Deceiving people.
(b) Poor upbringing.
(c) Being perfect.
(d) Being infidel.

10. Why is the soul in a poor state after it leaves the body according to Socrates?
(a) By being unable to escape.
(b) By being associated with the body.
(c) By losing his virtue.
(d) By being ignorant.

11. What does Socrates think of desires?
(a) They are good for the body.
(b) They are a trap.
(c) They should not be given to women.
(d) They are ignored by the philosopher.

12. What must first happen to those who die according to Socrates?
(a) They must pay to pass in the other world.
(b) They must be judged.
(c) They must renounce the body.
(d) They must go through purgatory.

13. Who will the imprisonment of the body and ignorance be revealed to according to Socrates?
(a) Lovers of ignorance.
(b) Lovers of the body.
(c) Lovers of learning.
(d) Lovers of truth.

14. What are the heavens according to Socrates?
(a) The water.
(b) Fire.
(c) The air.
(d) The ground.

15. What means does Socrates say allows beautiful things to be called beautiful?
(a) The imagination.
(b) The reality.
(c) The soul.
(d) The Beautiful.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the soul have when it leaves the body according to Socrates?

2. What is weaker than the lyre according to Socrates?

3. How does Socrates try to uncover causes?

4. Who walks the path to Hades easily according to Socrates?

5. What does Socrates think about the path to Hades and back?

(see the answer keys)

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