Plato's Phaedo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plato's Phaedo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why should Socrates resent dying according to Cebes?
(a) His wife and child need him.
(b) He still has too much to do.
(c) God protects his possessions.
(d) Dying does not bring fame.

2. Where was Socrates held prior to dying according to the two men discussing at the start of "Phaedo"?
(a) At home.
(b) In Sparta.
(c) In jail.
(d) In a temple.

3. What do the ones that fear death love more than wisdom according to Socrates?
(a) Philosophy.
(b) The body.
(c) Love.
(d) His family.

4. What did Socrates drink, according to Echecrates?
(a) Tea.
(b) Water.
(c) Hemlock.
(d) Mercury.

5. According to Socrates, what equal never is?
(a) Unequal.
(b) Seen by threes.
(c) Small.
(d) Trees.

6. What is recollection produced by according to Socrates?
(a) Luck.
(b) The brain.
(c) Knowledge.
(d) Similarity.

7. What was Socrates feeling according to the start of "Phaedo"?
(a) Fearful.
(b) Happy.
(c) Resigned.
(d) Sad.

8. What did "the Eleven" tell Socrates according to the account?
(a) How he would die.
(b) The names of his accusers.
(c) What his crimes are.
(d) That he would be freed the next day.

9. What conclusion does Socrates deduce from his arguments in the first part of 66b-72e?
(a) That he is right to die without resentment.
(b) That his wisdom is superior to that of Cebes.
(c) That fear leads to death.
(d) That death is incompatible with wisdom.

10. What does Simmias think of Cebes arguments about the man that answers correctly?
(a) He is not satisfied.
(b) He want more time to think about them.
(c) He wants to claim them as his own.
(d) He is convinced.

11. What might be an obstacle to acquiring knowledge according to Socrates?
(a) Women.
(b) The body.
(c) Bad teachers.
(d) Cebes.

12. What does Socrates say the philosopher separates?
(a) The grain from the hay.
(b) Family and business.
(c) The men and the women.
(d) The body and the soul.

13. What does the body do according to Socrates?
(a) Ruins hope.
(b) Liberates.
(c) Distract from love.
(d) Enslaves.

14. Who are "the Eleven" according to Phaedo?
(a) Socrates' best students.
(b) The police commissioners of Athens.
(c) Socrates' best friend.
(d) The Senate palace guards.

15. According to the account of his death, how did Socrates lived his life?
(a) As dangerously as he could.
(b) With the blessing of the gods.
(c) Without any fear of tomorrow.
(d) With great respect for it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Socrates say often yields faulty conclusions?

2. What can be compared by using reference to knowledge of the perfect form?

3. Who does the account tell was present during Socrates' trial beside his friends?

4. Who does the account of Socrates' death say were present beside Socrates' friends?

5. Who does Socrates tell Cebes to relate his final writing to?

(see the answer keys)

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