Plainsong Test | Final Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plainsong Test | Final Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Maggie tell Tom when they are dancing?
(a) She had a crush on him in the fourth grade.
(b) She's not sure she wants to date.
(c) She has to take care of her father.
(d) She has been attracted to him for years.

2. When do Ike and Bobby arrive at the McPherons' ranch?
(a) The next morning.
(b) Early evening.
(c) That afternoon.
(d) Late at night.

3. What does Victoria do at a party she and Dwayne attend?
(a) Get in a screaming fight with Dwayne.
(b) Use alcohol and marijuana.
(c) Get sick.
(d) Kiss another boy.

4. What do the boys tell Guthrie when he arrives home the night of their encounter with Russell?
(a) They are asleep when Tom gets home.
(b) They tell him they were at Mrs. Stearns.
(c) They tell him what happened.
(d) Nothing.

5. What does Dwayne ask Victoria to do?
(a) Have an abortion.
(b) Come live with him.
(c) Not have an abortion.
(d) Leave him alone.

6. What does a man ask her who comes in Victoria's work place?
(a) If she is married.
(b) If she wants to come home with him.
(c) If she is pregnant.
(d) If she knows one of her co-workers.

7. What does Raymond do to console Victoria?
(a) Tells her they will have Dr. Martin check her out.
(b) Tells her about a pregnant cow who ate loco weed.
(c) Tells her about a pregnant cow who swallowed barbed wire.
(d) Tells her about a pregnant cow who drank whiskey.

8. What are the boys forbidden to do at their aunt's house?
(a) Watch television.
(b) Leave the apartment.
(c) Ask friends over.
(d) Eat too many sweets.

9. What do the McPheron brothers say to Victoria's question?
(a) Of course.
(b) No way.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Maybe.

10. What does Sharlene try to do when Russell forces the boys into his car?
(a) Tells him she is getting out.
(b) Jokes about killing the boys.
(c) Threatens to call the police.
(d) Asks him to leave the boys alone.

11. What do Ike and Bobby notice about their mother at Christmas?
(a) She is drinking too much.
(b) She is passive and dominated by her sister.
(c) She has made some friends.
(d) She seems happier.

12. Why does Mrs. Stearns give Ike and Bobby a key to her house?
(a) So they can check on her.
(b) So they can water her plants.
(c) So she doesn't have to get up.
(d) So they can feed her fish.

13. What do the board members try to do with the Beckmans?
(a) Ignore them.
(b) Pacify them.
(c) Subdue them.
(d) Kick them out of the meeting.

14. Where is Guthrie attending a party?
(a) Maggie's house.
(b) At the school cafeteria.
(c) Judy's house.
(d) The Back Street Bar and Grill.

15. What do Ike and Bobby do after they deliver their papers?
(a) Go to the drugstore.
(b) Return home.
(c) Go to school.
(d) Go to Mrs. Stearns house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Victoria do in the car with the McPheron brothers?

2. What does Victoria do when she is talking to the McPheron brothers?

3. What does Victoria do with Dwayne?

4. What do the McPheron brothers buy at the department store?

5. For what does Victoria apologize to the McPheron brothers?

(see the answer keys)

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