Plainsong Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plainsong Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kent Haruf
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Ike and Bobby wonder when they get home?
(a) If their mother has been in her room all day.
(b) If the cable is working again.
(c) If their dad has left them some after-school chores.
(d) If their nintendo has been fixed.

2. What does one of Victoria's teachers say she will do?
(a) Go to a doctor with Victoria.
(b) Speak to the parents of the father of her baby.
(c) Speak to Victoria's grandparents.
(d) Speak to the father of her baby.

3. Who at first refuses to pay Ike and Bobby?
(a) Their grandfather.
(b) The barber.
(c) The neighbor across the street.
(d) The druggist.

4. About what do the McPheron brothers think Maggie is joking?
(a) That Jim Guthrie is selling his ranch.
(b) The idea of Victoria living with them.
(c) That Jim Guthrie is divorcing his wife.
(d) The idea of them adopting a baby.

5. Why do Ike and Bobby leave the place where they took their classmate?
(a) A man arrives and points a gun at them.
(b) Their mother comes and asks them to leave.
(c) Their canoe has been stolen so they can't go out on the lake.
(d) The tree house was wrecked in the last storm.

6. Where do Ike and Bobby go to help herd?
(a) Out into the lower east field.
(b) Inside the corral.
(c) On top of the fence boards.
(d) To the upper pasture.

7. What do they decide to do to the nervous cow?
(a) Vaccinate it where it is.
(b) Tranquilize it.
(c) Choose it for the slaughter house.
(d) Leave it be.

8. Why do Ike and Bobby go to the train station?
(a) To get newspapers for their delivery route.
(b) To watch a train with a new type of diesel engine come into the station.
(c) To watch for their father.
(d) To take the metro train to school.

9. What does Crowder tell Guthrie to do after the Beckmans leave?
(a) To flunk Russell.
(b) To call his union representative.
(c) Give Russell some extra tutoring.
(d) Pass Russell.

10. What happens when Victoria declines a ride from a school boy?
(a) The young man is rude.
(b) Nothing.
(c) The young man grabs her arm and forces her into his car.
(d) The young man shrugs and looks rejected.

11. Where are Ike and Bobby sitting on their bikes?
(a) Across from the vacant house where teens have sex.
(b) On an overpass.
(c) Across from the house where their mother lives.
(d) On the railroad trestle.

12. What request does Ella have about Ike and Bobby?
(a) That she can take them with her.
(b) That they go live with their maternal grandmother.
(c) That they spend the night there before she leaves.
(d) That they not be told the real reason Ella is leaving.

13. What does Victoria ask about as far as a doctor is concerned?
(a) If there is a female doctor in town.
(b) If a doctor will see her without her mother.
(c) Why she needs to see a doctor.
(d) If the fees will be very much.

14. Where do Ike and Bobby go after doing their chores on Saturday morning?
(a) To help their grandfather bale hay.
(b) To game arcade.
(c) To collect their fees from their newspaper customers.
(d) To the movies.

15. What do the boys ask about the McPheron brothers?
(a) Why they are still ranching when they are so old.
(b) Why they never married.
(c) Why their mother isn't there.
(d) Why they never had any children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Guthrie think about when Victoria Roubideaux gives her report?

2. What does Victoria need on her lunch break?

3. What does Mrs. Steans encourage Ike and Bobby to do?

4. Why is Mr. Beckman angry at Crowder?

5. What does Mrs. Stearn want before paying Ike and Bobby?

(see the answer keys)

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