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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What state do Ellie and Coop discuss on the porch over lemonade?
2. What does Lizzie Munro first think when the police are called to the farm?
3. Why does Katie fail the second lie detector test?
4. Who is Hannah?
5. Who was Katie talking to in the middle of the night when she left the house?
Short Essay Questions
1. In Chapter 6, why does Katie agree to confess her sins at the next church meeting as the bishop and church leaders have asked her to do?
2. What were two reasons Ellie had trouble adjusting to the Amish way of life the first night?
3. Why does Leda believe that it is necessary for Sarah to arrange a lawyer for Katie?
4. In Chapter 7, what did Katie recall when Samuel confessed to Katie that he wished the baby was his as well?
5. What does Lizzie Munor believe happened when she is called to the farm in Chapter 1?
6. How did Levi, a farm hand, find the baby?
7. What do Stephen and Ellie discuss on the phone in Chapter 6?
8. In Chapters 2-3, who was excited that Ellie had successfully gotten an acquittal for a man who sexually abused several girls, and what did this person do for Ellie?
9. In Chapter 4, why did Ellie call a psychiatrist friend in the middle of the night?
10. What happens when reporters show up to interview the family at their house?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The Amish community is very tight-knit. Describe the role of the community in Plain Truth. Who were prominent community members? Who did the reader only see once or twice, but still aided in the story?
Essay Topic 2
There are two alternate theories of how the baby died. What are they? Which seems more plausible? Why? If the mother of the baby had been someone other than Katie, would that make a difference? Does the way that the author builds Katie's character have an impact on the reader believing one theory of death over another?
Essay Topic 3
At various times in the book, Stephen and Coop appear in the story. When they appear, the author discusses Ellie's personal life. Why might the author have chosen to have these two men appear in the book and in Ellie's life? What purpose, if any, might they have to the story? Why might they appear when they appear, but not be around all the time?
This section contains 832 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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