Plain Truth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plain Truth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lizzie suggest as a possible motive of murder?
(a) That the Amish frown on babies out of wedlock.
(b) That Katie's long time boyfriend is not the baby's father.
(c) That Aaron knows who the father of the baby was.
(d) That Katie's brother knew who the father of the baby was.

2. What does Katie do before the elders of the church?
(a) Kneels and prays for her baby.
(b) Tells them God loves her and took her baby.
(c) Tells them she blames them for her baby.
(d) Kneels and confesses.

3. What does Ellie invite Stephen to do at the Fischer's?
(a) Watch the trial.
(b) Be Ellie's co-counsel.
(c) Stay for dinner.
(d) Stay for lunch.

4. What does the prosecution's psychiatrist think Katie is faking?
(a) Amnesia.
(b) Saddness.
(c) Being Amish.
(d) Not knowing that killing the baby was wrong.

5. What does Ellie ask for money for at the pretrial hearing?
(a) A rental car to get back and forth from the Fisher farm to the Courthouse during the trial.
(b) A hotel for her and Katie during the trial.
(c) A state appointed psychiatrist.
(d) For a new laptop, after hers was ruined at the Fisher farm.

6. Where does Katie stop on the way home?
(a) Nowhere.
(b) Samuel's house.
(c) The barn.
(d) The cemetery.

7. What does Samuel speak about on the stand?
(a) The Amish way of life and his plans for the future.
(b) The Amish way of life and dating.
(c) Katie's character and his relationship with Katie.
(d) Katie's character and the Amish way of life.

8. What causes an uproar in the courtroom?
(a) When Ellie claims Katie is insane.
(b) When Katie says she is in love with two men.
(c) When the prosecution asks their first question of Katie.
(d) When Katie confesses to killing the baby.

9. Who eats dinner together in the city?
(a) Ellie and Katie.
(b) Sarah and Aaron.
(c) Ellie and Coop.
(d) Ellie and Stephen.

10. When Ellie puts Katie back on the stand, how does Katie say the baby died?
(a) By ignoring the baby.
(b) By having a disease that caused her baby's death.
(c) By letting God take the baby after it was born.
(d) By leaving the baby in the barn.

11. Katie tells the prosecution that she killed the baby but refuses to say what?
(a) Where it happened.
(b) When it happened.
(c) If anyone else was with her.
(d) How she did it.

12. What else does the prosecution ask Coop about, besides Katie?
(a) His view on the entire situation.
(b) His childhood.
(c) His discussions with the rest of the Fisher family.
(d) His relationship with Ellie.

13. What occurred at the hearing in the judge's office?
(a) Ellie asked for a new psychiatrist.
(b) Ellie asks for the prosecution's evidence against Katie.
(c) A trial date was set.
(d) Ellie asked for more time.

14. What goes against the essence of the Amish faith?
(a) Murder.
(b) Talking to outsiders.
(c) Bann.
(d) Going to an English city.

15. What does Ellie convince the judge to do?
(a) Move the trial to a different city.
(b) Drop the murder charge against Katie.
(c) Postpone the trial for 2 more months.
(d) Allow Ellie to change her defense.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ellie take Katie to visit while she decides on the plea bargain?

2. What is the prosecutor able to suggest to the jury through Jacob's testimony?

3. In her closing argument, what does Ellie say Katie is so intent on?

4. On the stand, how does Coop suggest the baby died?

5. At the pretrial hearing, Ellie argues for who to be kept out of the trial?

(see the answer keys)

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