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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does the Prefect order?
(a) A week of prayer.
(b) The street lighting is to be turned on again.
(c) That food stores should open on Sundays.
(d) A bonfire and fireworks night.
2. What is Rieux's reaction to Rambert's plans?
(a) He has mixed emotions.
(b) He advises against the plans.
(c) He threeatens he will tell the authorities.
(d) He is encouraging.
3. How are people coping as the plague continues?
(a) They are full of fear and drink to excess.
(b) They become indifferent to what is happening to them.
(c) They become very religious and attend Mass evry day.
(d) They are in despair and suicides are frequent.
4. What happens on January 25th?
(a) There is a parade with fireworks.
(b) The city gates are reopened.
(c) Dr. Rieux turns 40.
(d) Authorities announce that the epidemic is over.
5. How is food distributed to the people in the camp?
(a) The food is sent in by the Red Cross and dropped from helicopters.
(b) The food is provided by relatives.
(c) By donkey.
(d) Via small electric trucks.
Short Answer Questions
1. The plague is changing in two ways. What is the first way?
2. What additional friendship has Tarrou made?
3. Why does Rieux weep?
4. With what does Dr. Rieux treat this patient?
5. What decison does Rambert make?
Short Essay Questions
1. What sort of man was Jean Tarrou's father?
2. What is unusual about Tarrou's illness?
3. What changes does the plague seem to be undergoing?
4. Explain the significance of The Plague's final paragraph.
5. Explain the poignancy of Dr. Rieux's walk through the streets.
6. In what ways do Tarrou's plague symptoms first appear?
7. Why cannot jubilation be complete at this point (Part 5 Chapter 1)?
8. What is the situation in the camps for people in quarantine?
9. What is the significance of M. Grand's struggle against the plague in Part 4 Chapter 7?
10. How can we tell that Tarrou is a force for good in the town?
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