The Plague Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rieux break with policy?
(a) He doesn't tell the Prefect that Tarrou is ill.
(b) He engages an expensive private nurse for Tarrou.
(c) He smuggles in an experimental serum.
(d) He treats Tarrou at home.

2. How does Rieux find out about his wife's condition?
(a) He calls his wife.
(b) He sends a telegram.
(c) He writes to the sanatorium,
(d) He calls the house physician.

3. In what activity has Cottard become involved?
(a) Writing a novel.
(b) Volunteering to assist in the fight against the plague.
(c) Running guns to Mardeilles.
(d) Smuggling. (Profiteering from the plague.)

4. Why does Tarrou go home with Cottard?
(a) He is invited for dinner.
(b) Cottard insists.
(c) Cottard has a present for him.
(d) Cottard is unwell.

5. To what does Tarrou compare lawyers and judges?
(a) The plague.
(b) Gardeners.
(c) The elders of the Church.
(d) Saints.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the choice Fr Paneloux talks about in his sermon?

2. In his struggle of conscience, who does Rambert resemble?

3. Where is Grand taken for treatment?

4. How does Rieux encourage Tarrou?

5. What criticism is made of Fr Paneloux after the sermon?

Short Essay Questions

1. Comment on the change in M. Othon.

2. What is the reason for Rambert's decision?

3. What changes does the plague seem to be undergoing?

4. Has Cottard really gained from his profiteering during the plague?

5. What gives the people cause for hope in Part 5 Chapter 1?

6. How are local printing firms and newspapers able to profit by people's fear of the plague?

7. What do you think has led Dr. Rieux to unburden himself to Grand?

8. Explain the poignancy of Dr. Rieux's walk through the streets.

9. What drastic developments are depicted in Part 3 Chapter 1?

10. What is the situation in the camps for people in quarantine?

(see the answer keys)

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