The Plague Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rieux break with policy?
(a) He doesn't tell the Prefect that Tarrou is ill.
(b) He treats Tarrou at home.
(c) He smuggles in an experimental serum.
(d) He engages an expensive private nurse for Tarrou.

2. How did Tarrou respond to his father's court performance?
(a) He had compassion for the accused.
(b) He was embarrassed.
(c) He thought the accused deserved his fate.
(d) He was very proud of his father.

3. What is the reason for cautious optimism in the town?
(a) Plague deaths are way down.
(b) A cure might have been found for the plague.
(c) The Prefect has been seen smiling.
(d) The plague has disappeared.

4. What seems to be an important factor in the reduction of plague deaths?
(a) Prayer.
(b) Dr. Rieux's careful treatment of his patients.
(c) The change in the weather.
(d) Dr. Castel's serum, which is now more effective.

5. What happens on January 25th?
(a) The city gates are reopened.
(b) There is a parade with fireworks.
(c) Authorities announce that the epidemic is over.
(d) Dr. Rieux turns 40.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Tarrou thank Rieux?

2. What news does his mother give to Rieux?

3. Who is now an important plague victim?

4. The plague is changing in two ways. What is the first way?

5. Who ecomes general secretary to the squads of volunteers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the reason for Rambert's decision?

2. What is unusual about Tarrou's illness?

3. What do you think has led Dr. Rieux to unburden himself to Grand?

4. Comment on the 'reality' behind the phenomenon of the Oran people, now free of the plague, walking the streets.

5. What is the effect of the child's death upon the other characters?

6. Explain the nature of the irony in the beginning of Part 5 Chapter 3.

7. How can we tell that Tarrou is a force for good in the town?

8. In what way is Cottard shown to be different from other characters in The Plague?

9. Do you think Dr. Castel's serum is likely to be of help?

10. Why is there a steady supply of workers taking care of burials?

(see the answer keys)

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