The Plague Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Tarrou's opinion of his fellow human beings?
(a) He beieves they are more good than bad.
(b) He believes they lack courage.
(c) He believes they are more selfish than he is.
(d) He believes they are more bad than good.

2. Where is Grand taken for treatment?
(a) Rieux and Tarrou look after him at home.
(b) The Catholic hospital.
(c) Dr Rieux's home.
(d) A military hospital.

3. Why are many families not allowed to attend the funerals of loved ones?
(a) They are not able achieve the strict dress code.
(b) They are in quarantine.
(c) There are too many of them.
(d) It would be too upsetting for them.

4. Why does Rieux weep?
(a) He misses his wife.
(b) He feels he has wasted his life.
(c) His mother is ill.
(d) For the loss of his friend and for his own medical impotence.

5. What is Dr. Castel's work?
(a) He is a hospital administrator and Dr. Rieux's boss.
(b) Treating victims of the plague.
(c) Undertaking research about the rat population.
(d) Developing a more effective plague serum.

6. What does Rieux confide?
(a) That his wife is getting much better.
(b) That he is in despair and contemplating suicide.
(c) That his wife's condition has worsened.
(d) That he has been profiteering from the plague.

7. Where is M. Othon quarantined?
(a) His home.
(b) In the city jail.
(c) A hospital.
(d) A camp.

8. Who makes a rueful observance about the feast day?
(a) Dr. Rieux.
(b) M. Cottard.
(c) M. Grand.
(d) Dr. Rieux's mother.

9. What is now possible for Rambert?
(a) His escape from Oran.
(b) A job on Oran's newspaper.
(c) A love affair in Oran.
(d) Writing a world exclusive on the plague in Oran.

10. Who receives an invitation to the sermon?
(a) M. Cottard.
(b) Dr. Rieux.
(c) The Prefect.
(d) Dr. Castel.

11. What is Rieux's reaction to Rambert's plans?
(a) He threeatens he will tell the authorities.
(b) He has mixed emotions.
(c) He is encouraging.
(d) He advises against the plans.

12. Who is the worst affected emotionally when the patient dies?
(a) Dr. Rieux.
(b) Fr Paneloux.
(c) M. Tarrou
(d) M. Othon

13. Which is the second way?
(a) Most people suffer now from bubonic plague.
(b) The plague is becoming more virulent.
(c) More patients are suffering pneumonic rather than bubonic plague.
(d) The disease is now more like ebola.

14. How is Tarrou reminded of his mother?
(a) Mme Othon is quite similar.
(b) A cafe waitress.
(c) He sees a portrait of Rieux's wife and sees a resemblance.
(d) Madame Rieux is quite similar..

15. What happens when Rieux tries to get Grand into the car?
(a) Grand runs away, then falls over.
(b) Grand hits him.
(c) Rieux has to hit him to make him keep quiet.
(d) Grand takes the car keys and runs away.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the reason for cautious optimism in the town?

2. Which character cannot be saved by the serum?

3. How does Rieux encourage Tarrou?

4. What is Cottard's reaction to the officials?

5. Why does Tarrou go home with Cottard?

(see the answer keys)

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