The Plague Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the worst affected emotionally when the patient dies?
(a) M. Tarrou
(b) M. Othon
(c) Dr. Rieux.
(d) Fr Paneloux.

2. With what does Dr. Rieux treat this patient?
(a) Dr. Castel's serum.
(b) An ancient garlic compound.
(c) Mustard plasters and cupping.
(d) Penicillin.

3. To what does Tarrou compare lawyers and judges?
(a) Saints.
(b) Gardeners.
(c) The plague.
(d) The elders of the Church.

4. What is Rieux's reaction to Rambert's plans?
(a) He has mixed emotions.
(b) He advises against the plans.
(c) He is encouraging.
(d) He threeatens he will tell the authorities.

5. What additional friendship has Tarrou made?
(a) With Fr Paneloux.With the Prefect.
(c) With Rambert.
(d) With Cottard.

6. Why is M. Othon's release from camp delayed?
(a) He has upset the Prefect.
(b) There has been a mistake.
(c) He has not done the paperwork.
(d) There is suspicion that he has plague.

7. How is Rambert's wife arriving?
(a) By ship from Marseilles.
(b) By air from Casablanca.
(c) By train.
(d) By car.

8. What is now possible for Rambert?
(a) Writing a world exclusive on the plague in Oran.
(b) A love affair in Oran.
(c) His escape from Oran.
(d) A job on Oran's newspaper.

9. Having made his decision, what must Rambert now give up?
(a) Happiness with his wife.
(b) A large income.
(c) His nationality/citizenship.
(d) His job at the newspaper.

10. With whom is Fr Paneloux billeted?
(a) Cardinal Richelieu.
(b) Dr. Rieux.
(c) M. Cottard.
(d) An old woman.

11. What decison does Rambert make?
(a) To buy a new apartment with a view over the bay.
(b) To escape and return to his wife.
(c) To smuggle medicines into Oran.
(d) He decides to stay and help to fight the plague.

12. Tarrou's opinion of Grand is:
(a) That he is arrogant and controlling.
(b) That he is a man of quiet courage.
(c) That he is nondescript.
(d) That he is unlikeable and annoying.

13. How did Tarrou respond to his father's court performance?
(a) He was very proud of his father.
(b) He had compassion for the accused.
(c) He was embarrassed.
(d) He thought the accused deserved his fate.

14. What target audience has Fr Paneloux for his special sermon?
(a) Women.
(b) The medical community.
(c) Men.
(d) The plague wrkers.

15. What was the elder Tarrou's obsession?
(a) The railway directory.
(b) Lego.
(c) Model trains.
(d) Watching court cases.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rieux tell Rambert?

2. What important experience shaped Tarrou's view of capital punishment?

3. How do his friends try to help Grand?

4. Why are newspaper reports optimistic?

5. Who receives an invitation to the sermon?

(see the answer keys)

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