The Plague Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way has Grand's marriage affected his future?
(a) He moved to Oran with his wife to escape her father.
(b) He left college and took a boring job.
(c) He finished college but could only get a boring job.
(d) His became depressed because he found his wife boring.

2. What is one result of the sealed city?
(a) The Prefect has a feeling of great power.
(b) People are more likely to recover from plague.
(c) People are cut off from loved ones.
(d) People are more likely to get plague.

3. How has Rieux's work-load increased?
(a) He is now required to treat 100 patients per day.
(b) He has to do research to produce plague serum, treat patients and administer a hospital.
(c) He now treats patients as well as administering a 500-bed plague hospital.
(d) He has to treat plague vistims, experiment on rats and run a 500-bed plague hospital.

4. What methods does the character use to attain the goal or goals?
(a) Argument and direct action.
(b) Argument and sabotage.
(c) Sabotage.
(d) Civil disobedience, sabotage and direct action.

5. What important change in people's behavior does Tarrou record?
(a) That they are more tolerant of drunks.
(b) That they laugh at the plague.
(c) That everyone laughs, especially drunks.
(d) That nobody laughs, except drunks.

6. How many people have contracted the disease and recovered?
(a) None. All have died.
(b) One.
(c) Forty.
(d) Everone has recovered.

7. Who is Joseph Grand?
(a) He is a Masonic Grand Master.
(b) He is Cottard's neighbor.
(c) He is Dr. Rieux's neighbor.
(d) He is M. Tarrou's neighbor.

8. What is Fr Paneloux's religious order?
(a) He is a Jesuit.
(b) He is a Franciscan.
(c) He is a Discalced Carmelite.
(d) He is a Dominican.

9. What is the Spaniard's medical condition?
(a) He has tuberculosis.
(b) He is bedridden with cancer.
(c) He is bedridden with asthma.
(d) He has bubolic plague.

10. Who questions Cottard?
(a) A public health official.
(b) Inspector Clouseau.
(c) M. Tarrou.
(d) The police inspector.

11. Who volunteers to help Rieux?
(a) Rambert.
(b) Paneloux.
(c) Tarrou.
(d) Cottard.

12. Where is this information to be found?
(a) On walls, as in public notices.
(b) On walls, as graffiti.
(c) In the newspapers.
(d) In Tarrou's journal.

13. In what era is the story set?
(a) During the French Revolution.
(b) 1940s, shortly after World War II.
(c) 1940s during World War II.
(d) 1916, during World War I.

14. How does Rieux caution Tarrou?
(a) He tells him there is no risk if he has an inoculation.
(b) He tells him he is at risk and must have an inoculation.
(c) He tells him not to drink the water.
(d) He cautions him against having an inoculation because the serum is weak.

15. What is the problem regarding the city gates?
(a) They cannot be closed.
(b) They were closed before the announcement was made.
(c) They were closed too late to make a difference.
(d) They are not high enough and people escape.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why hasn't M. Grand been able to correct the mistake made about his promotion?

2. What action does the Prefect take?

3. How is the city situated geographically?

4. This chapter focuses on which character in the novel?

5. Who comes with Grand to see Dr Rieux?

(see the answer keys)

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