The Plague Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Plague Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do people express their feelings after the sermon?
(a) People line up to volunteer to help their fellow citizens.
(b) There is violence and many people try to escape.
(c) There is an open forum where people can debate the issues.
(d) There are huge numbers of letters to the editor of the local paper.

2. How does the Spaniard spend his days?
(a) Writing a novel.
(b) Counting dried peas.
(c) Reading.
(d) Counting rats.

3. In what important way has the plague changed?
(a) It has changed from pneumonic to bubonic.
(b) It has changed from bubonic to harmonic.
(c) It has become much more severe.
(d) It has changed from bubonic to pneumonic.

4. In what country is the story set?
(a) Armenia.
(b) Nigeria.
(c) France.
(d) Algeria.

5. What action has Dr. Rieux already taken?
(a) He has started to manufacture anti-plague serum.
(b) He has bought a train ticket out of town.
(c) He has ordered supplies of anti-plague serum.
(d) He has organised mass poisonings of rats.

6. What reason does Grand give for his problem?
(a) He is not satisfied with his ideas.
(b) He has become bored with the whole thing.
(c) He is not satisfied with the paper he is using.
(d) He is not satisfied with the words.

7. What is M. Grand's job?
(a) He is a clerk in the Municipal Office.
(b) He is Manager at the Municipal Office.
(c) He is a clerk at the hospital.
(d) He is a bank manager.

8. What measures is the Prefect forced to take?
(a) Traffic control, cinema closure and water rationing.
(b) Traffic control and rationing of food and electricity.
(c) Putting armed guards at all liquor outlets and rationing water.
(d) Arresting anyone who drinks in the street and closing the cinemas.

9. What is making things difficult for cinema owners?
(a) They have no new films to show.
(b) They can't get ushers because of the plague.
(c) They have to charge lower admission fees.
(d) They are only allowed to show newsreels.

10. What human attitude concerns Rieux?
(a) Human prejudice and warmongering.
(b) Human infallibility.
(c) Humans' inability to accept reality.
(d) Humans' quick acceptance of reality.

11. What is the problem regarding the city gates?
(a) They cannot be closed.
(b) They are not high enough and people escape.
(c) They were closed too late to make a difference.
(d) They were closed before the announcement was made.

12. What does Rieux ask Jean Tarrou to do for him?
(a) To write to the local authorities about the rats.
(b) To provide funding for treating plague victims.
(c) To write a journal documenting the plague.
(d) To write to his wife for him.

13. What is Rieux's attitude to religion and God?
(a) He believes religion is all right some of the time.
(b) He is open to being converted.
(c) He believes ardently and attends Mass regularly.
(d) He is not a believer.

14. How does Rieux caution Tarrou?
(a) He cautions him against having an inoculation because the serum is weak.
(b) He tells him he is at risk and must have an inoculation.
(c) He tells him there is no risk if he has an inoculation.
(d) He tells him not to drink the water.

15. Why don't all sufferers have hospital treatment?
(a) They die before they can get to hospital.
(b) They have no transport.
(c) Dr Rieux has quarantined them.
(d) There are not enough beds at the hospital.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is NOT a symptom of the plague?

2. How do the people of Oran react to the sermon at High Mass?

3. How does Rieux treat the plague victims?

4. What important information is given in the notices?

5. Why has the journalist Raymod Rambert come to Oran?

(see the answer keys)

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