Piranesi Test | Final Test - Medium

Susanna Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Piranesi Test | Final Test - Medium

Susanna Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ketterley suggest he and Sorensen do just as Sorensen is preparing to leave his house?
(a) Perform the ritual.
(b) Have sex.
(c) Drink alcohol together.
(d) Eat together.

2. What name is the Other shouting in Part III when Piranesi comes upon him?
(a) Pastina.
(b) Marcello.
(c) Raphael.
(d) Fiorelli.

3. Who is one of Laurence Arne-Sayles's most devoted students?
(a) Charlotte Henry.
(b) Marshall Windham.
(c) Sylvia D'Agostino.
(d) Fabian Gould.

4. What is the name of one of D'Agostino's films?
(a) Stars and Bars.
(b) Fellegrino.
(c) Lupin.
(d) Moon/Wood.

5. What image does Piranesi see when he reads the message 16 writes to him in Part IV?
(a) Many statues of the House converging on him.
(b) Many lights, rain pouring down on him, and a junction of many streets with buildings all around.
(c) A group of wolves prowling.
(d) Lakes and mountains.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was 16's voice not at all what Piranesi was expecting?

2. Who does Piranesi realize gave him the name Piranesi in Part IV?

3. What does Piranesi realize has happened to his message for 16 about the flood?

4. What does 16 use to write her one-line message for Piranesi in Part IV?

5. What does Piranesi do to warn 16 about the momentous event he predicts in Part IV?

Short Essay Questions

1. What message does 16 write to Piranesi that jogs Piranesi's memory in Part IV?

2. Where was the location of the place Arne-Sayles identified as the last place he had stood before rationality "gripped his mind" (152)?

3. Why does Piranesi resolve to take better care of himself in Part III?

4. What do Piranesi's journals reveal about Matthew Rose Sorensen?

5. What does Piranesi do with the chalk message from 16?

6. What does Piranesi do to try to ensure 16's safety in Part IV?

7. What information does Piranesi begin to keep from the Other about 16?

8. Who does Piranesi begin to realize the Other really is?

9. Why does Matthew Rose Sorensen originally visit Dr. Ketterley?

10. What startling discovery does Piranesi make in Part IV about the tides?

(see the answer keys)

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