Piranesi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Susanna Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Piranesi Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Susanna Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Piranesi meet in Part II by the Western Doors?
(a) The Biscuit-Box Man.
(b) Sylvia D'Agostino.
(c) The Folded-Up Child.
(d) The man he thinks of as The Prophet.

2. Which statue saves Piranesi's life when he falls?
(a) The Trampled Man.
(b) The Minotaur.
(c) The Faun.
(d) The Fox teaching creatures.

3. What does Piranesi eat in the House?
(a) The cows he kills.
(b) The meals the Other brings him.
(c) The vegetables from his vegetable garden.
(d) Seaweed and various mollusks and fish.

4. How does Piranesi feel about the dark?
(a) He will go in to dark spaces to try to find a way out of the House.
(b) He will go into dark spaces only to pray.
(c) He loves it.
(d) He does not like it and it slightly scares him.

5. What kinds of birds used the scraps of paper in their nests that Piranesi wants to put together to make a whole and be able to read?
(a) Crows.
(b) Albatrosses.
(c) Sparrows.
(d) Herring gulls.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Other tell Piranesi he might be forced to do if Piranesi talks to 16?

2. What does the visitor in Part II tell Piranesi his world is?

3. What gift does the Other bring for Piranesi in Part II that he loves?

4. How does Piranesi think the birds sometimes try to communicate with him?

5. Where does Piranesi believe 16 lives?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the Other bring new shoes to Piranesi?

2. What rare event does Piranesi witness in Part I in the House?

3. What does the Other tell Piranesi about himself in Part II that shocks and unsettles Piranesi?

4. Why does the Other tell Piranesi that the House does not affect him as it does Piranesi?

5. What does the Other ask Prianesi to promise him in Part II?

6. Who does Piranesi think the person he meets by chance in Part II in the House is?

7. What does Piranesi see in the One-Hundred-and-Ninety-Second Western Hall that awes him?

8. What does Piranesi suggest that the Other use in his important ritual and why does he suggest this?

9. What is the Other afraid of in the House?

10. Who is the only other person living in the House besides Piranesi, to the best of his knowledge, in Part I?

(see the answer keys)

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